Meet Sid the Dragon at the Mander Centre
Mander Centre welcomes SID the Dragon to the Centre from the 23rd to the 29th August.

Flying into the Lower Mall and taking residence on his own special rock formation SID will be chatting daily to customers and shoppers.
SID is looking good for his age, he may only be 10 years old in human years but in dragon years this makes him at least 3 centuries old! Weighing in at around 250kg he is weighty but also delicate in nature!

SID is a pretty famous face and has appeared in many a panto, oh yes he has! He is normally seen as the evil witches trusty sidekick and causes plenty of mischief on stage. Born from the imagination of the Twins FX who are the leading company operating in the field of theatrical special effects, illusions and animatronics, he was born for the stage!
SID can fly but to protect our customers he will be seated for his stay at the Mander Centre as when he takes flight he also breathes fire and no one wants their new purchases to go up in flames!
Named after the famous funny man Sid James, SID the dragon will be happy to pose for selfies and tell you all about the Centre. Upload to our social channels as he would love to go viral!
For more information visit and stay up to date by following us on social media @mandercentre.