Participate in an Active Monitoring of the Safety of a COVID-19 Vaccine Study
COVID-19 vaccines have been carefully tested and have been shown to be safe and effective, but like all new medicines and vaccines, it is important to continue to monitor them. The purpose of this study is to collect more information on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The study will recruit at least 20,000 people aged 40 and over vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The study will use short questionnaires which include questions about the vaccination and any symptoms/conditions you have experienced following vaccination.
You can express an interest in participating in the study at any time before you are vaccinated. We will then contact you when you have had your vaccination in order to invite you to start the study. Click here to register interest.
Alternatively you can start the study after you have been vaccinated (within 42 days). Click here to sign up.
We are interested to hear from you whether you have any problems or no problems at all after the vaccine. Click to register interest.
Please note you do not have to participate in the study. It is your choice. You can read more detailed information in the Participant information sheet.