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Around 32,100* people in the West Midlands are diagnosed with cancer each year. That’s around 2,700 people diagnosed every month in just this region. This is why research into better diagnosis and kinder treatment is vital.

Last updated

Many research projects across the UK, such as those at the University of Birmingham, benefit from the generosity of people leaving a gift to Cancer Research UK in their Will.

At the University of Birmingham, Dr Clare Davies is trying to understand how cancers become resistant to treatment. To do this she’s focussing on a protein molecule called PRMT5, which is found at high levels in many cancers, including breast cancer, and is linked to poor survival.

Dr Davies’s research has shown that this protein is a key player in helping breast cancer cells grow, survive and become resistant to drugs.

Dr Davies explains, “In my research I am trying to target a specific type of cell in breast cancer that is thought to be the cancer-causing cells. These cells are resistant to the treatments we have at the moment, and because they are not destroyed during the first round of treatment, they are thought to be the reason why some cancers can come back in the future. I want to understand which patients will respond to treatments, and to do this we need to study and understand the biology of the cancer cell. My ultimate aim is that this research helps with the development of treatments that stop breast cancer coming back, so that more patients can live healthier, happier lives.

“We’re at a very exciting time in my research group, where we are trying to target these specific cells with newly developed drugs.

“Funding from gifts in Wills is incredibly important to our work. Thanks to gifts in Wills and the hard work of supporters at Cancer Research UK, I can address complex scientific questions, which ultimately will have a real benefit to patients.

“I find it very touching that people leave gifts in their Will to Cancer Research UK, as this is clearly a considered process and a charity that means a lot to the donor. I’m incredibly grateful, and it’s an honour to have our work supported in this way. We have a responsibility as scientists to use this money in the best way possible, to perform the best possible science and address the most key questions in trying to beat cancer.”


Gifts in Wills fund over a third of our life-saving research. These vital legacies, together with the commitment of the researchers finding new breakthroughs, are so important to one day beating cancer.

To find out more, get your free Gifts in Wills guide here

Together we will beat cancer.

* Based on the average annual number of new cases of all cancers combined excluding non-melanoma skin cancer (ICD10 C00-C97 excl.C44) diagnosed in the West Midlands between 2015 and 2017.