Express & Star

Interested in a job you can be proud of? You could choose to teach

Advertisement feature: Feeling a sense of pride at work can be incredibly rewarding, but how many of us experience this? Wouldn’t it be great if you did?

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Are you tempted by teaching?

The younger generation are particularly keen to pursue a rewarding career. Research from the Get Into Teaching campaign shows more than a third (34%) of students and recent graduates in Birmingham want a career that makes them feel proud, and over half (53%) want to feel their job is worthwhile.

That’s why teaching could be a fulfilling career option for those starting out in the world of work. Whether you’re a student or recent graduate, or even someone looking for a change in career, being a teacher offers these kinds of emotional rewards you might be looking for.

Why teaching? Research from the campaign also shows three-quarters (77%) of current teachers feel proud of the job they do at least once a week and two-thirds (68%) of teachers feel they have the opportunity to inspire people every day, compared to less than a third (31%) of non-teachers.

Teachers can inspire

If you train to teach you could experience these feelings in your career too. When you’re a teacher, you can inspire young people to realise their ambitions and go home each day knowing you’ve made a difference.

Craig Smith, a PE teacher from Ark Kings Academy in Birmingham, said: “Teaching is a job that I’m incredibly proud to do. As a graduate I had lots of choices of potential careers, but I was drawn to teaching.

"Ultimately, I wanted a career that was rewarding and teaching ticks all the boxes – I get to inspire people in a subject I’m passionate about, it is full of emotional rewards and I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile every day.

"It is also a structured profession where I am supported and encouraged to develop my skills and look to progress. I would encourage anyone looking for a truly meaningful career to find out more about teaching.”

The other great thing about being a teacher is the balance it strikes between emotional and practical rewards. To help attract bright talent to the profession, generous tax-free bursaries of up to £26,000* are available to help you train. A career in teaching also offers you the possibility of rapid progression - in fact, teachers in leadership roles earn on average £57,500.

Are you tempted by teaching? Experts from the Get Into Teaching team are on hand, providing guidance to aspiring teachers. To find out more visit: getintoteaching or call 0800 389 2500.

*Subject to eligibility. Selected subjects only

The Get Into Teaching campaign, from the Department for Education, provides a comprehensive programme of support and advice.