Switching your ISA is easy, so why don’t more people do it?
Are people missing out by not switching their ISA? We swap our car and home insurance every year, and even our current accounts can be switched within 7 days – so why does the 5th April not make it in to our diaries?

It’s possibly a perception that there are 100 forms or a list of hoops that must be jumped through before your ISA could be considered for transfer from one provider from another. That’s a myth!
In the most part, a couple of short forms are all it takes and the provider you are transferring to takes care of everything, they even contact the existing provider.

Dudley Building Society requests are progressed within 24 hours from receipt so it won’t be long until the transfer is complete and you are ready to continue to save in the 18/19 tax year.
The range of ISAs available across the market provides many choices for individuals with different financial circumstances, so no one should be afraid to go and discuss the possibilities with their local bank or building society. In most cases, and especially in that of Dudley Building Society, there are friendly, knowledgeable advisers that are on hand and happy to discuss what accounts may be best suited to someone’s specific saving requirements.
The Society’s ISA range includes a 45 day notice, one and five year fixed, instant access and junior account options as well as loyalty ISAs for existing Society members.
ISA Application and ISA Transfer Authority forms can be downloaded at www.dudleybuildingsociety.co.uk/savings
If you would like some more information on the above you can speak to a friendly Customer Service Advisers at Dudley Building Society on 01384 231414 or visit dudleybuildingsociety.co.uk