Express & Star

We're supporting the Walsall Canal clean-up after 4,000 litres of toxic chemicals fell into the waters – here's how you can too!

Thousands of pounds have been raised to help clean up a toxic canal – and today the Express & Star is backing the fundraising campaign.

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An appeal to clean up and encourage the return of wildlife to a stretch of Walsall Canal after 4,000 litres of toxic chemicals spilled into the water has raised almost £14,000 in only a matter of days.

Sodium cyanide and zinc cyanide as well as a range of other harmful chemicals, were spilled into the Walsall Canal system on August 12, devastating the local fish and animal population of the immediate area.

Metal finishing group Anochrome Ltd, on Reservoir Place, Pleck, has admitted responsibility for the spill, with the Environment Agency finding that around 4,000 litres of harmful chemicals were leaked into the water system, leading to the death of hundreds of fish.

And the Canal and River Trust saying the numbers of animals affected by the toxic spill expected to grow.

Now, a fundraiser launched by the Canal and River Trust (CRT) has so far attracted more than £13,700 since it launched just four days ago, with environmental leads calling on all those to help to get involved.

The Express and Star is backing the campaign by highlighting the important goal to raise £10,000 to save local wildlife following the incident as hundreds of pounds continues to be added to the total. But generous giving has seen that initial target surpassed.

You can access the fundraiser here: Save Wildlife in the West Midlands. Here are the four key points to support the campaign:

'Hundreds of fish have been killed'

Environmental leads have made a public plea for money to help save the wildlife near Walsall Canal