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Severn Trent Water and farmers working together to create hundreds of wildflower meadows

Severn Trent Water is working with local farmers to create wildflower mini-meadows throughout the region.

Susey Bamber

The Severn Trent Environmental Protection Scheme (STEPS) is aiming to prevent pesticides, nitrates and cryptosporidium from reaching rivers, watercourses and groundwater to protect drinking water quality and the environment.

Farmers can apply for grants of up to £30,000 for projects like pesticide washdown areas with rainwater harvesting, over winter cover crops and help with livestock fencing.

Severn Trent Senior Agricultural Advisor Susey Bamber said: "Our new meadows have butterflies, bees, ladybirds, you can hear the grasshoppers, it is full of pollinators. They are good for everybody, because they help produce our food.

“The wildflowers are great for people to see while they are using the footpath nearby, great for well-being."

She added: “The tufty grass may attract small mammals, in turn attracting owls dwelling in the nearby trees. The whole food chain is here.”

The creation of the meadows – complete with wildflowers like the Ox-Eye Daisy and Lady’s Bedstraw - helps the farmer by aiding biodiversity to attract insects, the natural predators of crop pests. Field planting options may help prevent flooding, by improving soil biology and structure.

STEPS has so far awarded over 2,160 grants to farmers for a wide range of projects which have led to many environmental benefits, including the creation of more than 4,600 hectares of new habitat.

The habitats support insect and mammal populations that can attract birds to the area which, in turn, supports the natural predator population – all helping control crop-damaging aphids and slugs.

Susey, who covers the Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and Staffordshire catchments, said: “For every pound spent, we can make between a £2 and £20 saving in water treatment costs. That can really help customer bills.

“Our advisors help farmers select the appropriate options to apply for. I believe a grant only works, if it supports a customer to do something they were thinking of doing but need a little assistance to implement the improvement. That’s why it is worth farmers working with their local advisor to make the right application.”

Farmer Tim Smith, has benefitted from a number of STEPS grants, including creating the mini meadow we are chatting in. He has now switched from arable farming to making his land an environmental and wildlife haven, having also signed up for the Government’s similar Countryside Stewardships scheme.

Tim said: “STEPS has totally changed the way in which I farm. If I had not done these STEPS options I would not have seen the benefit and increase in wildlife which they bring and would not have entered the whole of the farm into a combination of wildlife schemes.

“I have learned a lot about establishing and maintaining these areas - which is totally different from arable farming - by doing small areas over several years. If the whole farm had been entered into a scheme in one go it would have been a mistake.”

Tim added: “Farming, like a lot of industries, is facing challenging times at the moment. That is why schemes like STEPS can provide a valuable alternative income stream, especially on unproductive areas of land.

“The continued rise in machinery prices and volatility in commodity prices makes life interesting. Schemes like STEPS, giving a guaranteed income for the term of the scheme, help make things less uncertain.”

To apply for the STEPS Water Quality scheme visit