Recycling site can now accept more kinds of waste in bid to boost recycling
Pringles tubes and other paper containers with metal ends are now being accepted at the Stourbridge tip after a deal was struck.

Dudley Council made the move – which also applies to containers for hot chocolate and nuts among other items – to help boost recycling.
It means residents will be able to recycle their containers at specialist locations at the Household Waste and Recycling Centre.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said: "While paper containers with metal ends such as Pringles tubes can’t be be recycled through council recycling collections, we’re glad to be able to offer this facility at the tip.
"Our residents of have always responded well to the different recycling schemes we’ve implemented, and we hope that they will take full advantage of this new service."
Chiefs made an agreement with the Alliance for Beverage Cartons & the Environment (ACE UK) and Sonoco Consumer Products Europe to launch the scheme.