Express & Star

'How dare they': Concerns raised over plans for 5G mast in Wednesbury

Plans have been lodged to build a 20m-tall 5G mast close to homes in a Black Country town.

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Unhappy with plans for a 5G mast at Woden Road North, Wednesbury, is councillor Peter Hughes

The planning application, earmarked for council land on Woden Road North near to Park Lane, in Wednesbury, has sparked concerns from residents and councillors.

The applicant's agent, WHP Telecoms Ltd, is enquiring whether prior approval is needed from Sandwell Council for the installation of the phone mast.

But Wednesbury North councillor Peter Hughes said he will make an objection to the council, forcing the plans to go before local authority's planning committee.

He said: "Although this is deemed permitted development, if there are objections, and there certainly will be objections, I have made sure it does not go through in the normal process of things being delegated.

"Because I have requested that it has got to go to the planning committee, my objections, other councillors' objections, and everybody else's objections, will be laid before the planning committee, and they have to give due consideration to them.

Peter Hughes

"They have got to take local views of the people on board. Personally, I would not like that there.

"The three of us [Wednesbury North councillors] said what on Earth are they doing putting it there.We knew immediately there would be objections.

"How dare they come along and will install that mast and box on council land without asking first. It is not a very good approach. I think the manner in which these companies go about things is completely wrong.

"It is a totally inappropriate location. Why on earth haven't they located this in an industrial area. We have got enough factory sites around Wednesbury.

"I am aware that the Government and the [West Midlands] Combined Authority are eager to develop the 5G network across the region.

"The proximity of the mast to residential accommodation and schools I think is inappropriate."