Claims no action yet taken over rubbish-riddled land in Tividale
Businesses are still waiting for action to be taken over a rubbish-riddled plot of land in Tividale, it is claimed.

The land-owner of the plot in Hopkins Street has been served with a Section 215 notice to take action.
But Basharat Khan, whose business ACE Travel & Money Transfer backs onto the site, claims he is yet to see any improvement.
Speaking about the state of the land, he said: "It is disgusting. The land-owner still hasn't taken any action over the rubbish. The council is very slow in acting."
The 215 notice was served in early February and runs for six weeks. It serves as a warning to land-owners to take action but matters become more serious.
Sandwell Council's environment team emailed Mr Khan to say rats were coming from a broken drain pipe at the rear of his property.
In the email, the council said it only became aware of the fly-tipping issue in December 2019. However Mr Khan claims he contacted the council about this as early as May 2018.