Express & Star

Hundreds of fish on move from West Smethwick Park in £35k blitz

Hundreds of fish are being moved as part of £35,000 clean-up works by the Environment Agency to improve an angling pool.


The company has been moving the fish from West Smethwick Park in order to remove silt that has built up in the top lake.

New platforms for fishermen are also being installed as part of the scheme which is due to be completed in the autumn.

The enhancement works involve re-instating a stream that was previously covered over and installing fishing platforms, with disabled access, around the lake.

The stream feeds into the lake via a pond and over the years the pond has filled up with silt.

Works have now started to uncover the stream and remove the silt from the pond and are expected to take three weeks to complete the project.

Now hundreds of fish, including roach, perch, carp and stickleback have been caught in the pond and moved from the top lake into the larger lake towards the bottom of the park that is used by a local angling club.

When all of the silt has been removed from the pond new fish will be added. Installation of the new fishing platforms is expected to take place later in the autumn.

William Groves from the Environment Agency said: "The enhancement works will create a valuable feature for wildlife in West Smethwick Park and by installing fishing platforms around the lake will provide better fishing opportunities for local people."

The project has been funded by Sandwell Council and the Environment Agency and are the latest improvement works taking place at a pool in the borough.

In Oldbury, work is progressing on a scheme to install a special membrane at the Rattlechain Laggon, which is blamed for the deaths of dozens of birds.

The lagoon, in John's Lane, has been a waste disposal site for more than 60 years.