'Lovely' elderly woman dies in Kingswinford house fire
An elderly woman described as a 'lovely, friendly neighbour' has died in a house fire in Kingswinford.

Emergency services were called to the fire in Catesby Drive, just before 11.30pm last night.
Police said an elderly woman was found dead at the property.
Her death is not being treated as suspicious and has been referred to the coroner.
Florence Adams, 82, who lives across the road from the house, said: "I saw the flames through the window at about 11.20pm. Through our bedroom window you could see the flames downstairs at the front of the house."
"She was a nice lady. I didn't see too much of her because I think she was disabled."
Mrs Adams added: "She will be missed."
"There were about three fire engines, two police cars and an ambulance. It was horrendous seeing all that going on. It was shocking."
Neighbour Valerie Ganley, 76, knew the woman well having both lived on the street for about 40 years, and having taught her daughter-in-law at school.
Mrs Ganley said: "I'd just put the light out and there was all these flashing things. At first I thought it was the council sending bin lorries out.
"When I opened the curtains I was absolutely amazed to see vehicles everywhere."
"Her husband died several years ago very suddenly. They were a lovely couple. Her son and daughter-in-law live nearby."
"She was lovely, very, very friendly. We used to meet and walk down to the shops together. She was always very happy for a chat. A very nice woman.
"She was a lovely person and we were always glad to have her as a neighbour."
West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman Jamie Arrowsmith said: "Once firefighters had brought the fire under control ambulance staff were able to access the woman through a window.
"Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that nothing could be done to save her and she was confirmed dead at the scene."
Not much sign of fire this morning - no police or fire service, but lots of residents knew her. (Named locally as Edith Williams)
Florence Adams, 82, who lives across the road from the victim's property, said: "I saw the flames through the window at about 20 past 11. Through our bedroom window you could see the flames downstairs at the front of the house."
"She was a nice lady. I didn't see too much of her because I think she was disabled."
Mrs Adams added: "It's a horrible way to go. She will be missed."
There were about three fire engines, two police cars and an ambulance. It was horrendous seeing all that going on. It was shocking."
Neighbour Valerie Ganley, 76, knew the woman well having both lived on the street for about 40 years, and having taught her daughter-in-law at school.
Mrs Ganley said: "It was as I was going to bed at about 20 past 11 to clean my teeth. I'd just put the light out and there was all these flashing things. At first I thought it was the council sending bin lorries out.
"When I opened the curtains I was absolutely amazed to see vehicles everywhere."
"Her husband died several years ago very suddenly. They were a lovely couple. Her son and daughter-in-law live nearby," she said.
"She was lovely, very, very friendly. We used to meet and walk down to the shops together. She was always very happy for a chat. A very nice woman.
"She was a lovely person and we were always glad to have her as a neighbour."