Express & Star

Man sets himself on fire after fleeing police in Tipton

A man set himself on fire after trying to evade police in the Black Country.


The 49-year-old was today fighting for his life following the drama, which started in Tipton at around 6.30pm last night.

He was found in fields off Lichfield Street, where he attempted to flee officers and was seen to pour liquid on himself at around 7pm as he ran towards scrub land known locally as the Cracker.

He then set himself on fire and was treated by paramedics who rushed to his aid.

He was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham where he underwent surgery for serious burns and is currently in intensive care in a critical condition.

In the early evening residents in Lichfield Street said they could hear the sound of a helicopter landing.

John Butler, a 26-year-old father of five, was heading to a nearby shop when he saw the police aircraft land.

He said: "I couldn't believe it when I saw the helicopter. You only normally see that sort of thing on television.

"It's just so loud. I didn't know what had happened or why until I went on Facebook and saw someone had written about it."

Teacher Tony Spencer, of Lichfield Street, said: "It is a real shock to hear it. He can't have been in the right state of mind. I hope he pulls through."

Another resident in Lichfield Street, who did not wish to be named, said he knew the man.

He said: "He was a very popular man and a lot of people know him, he has been living in the area for years. This is just unbelievable, tragic."

The scrub land is surrounded by homes in every direction. It is near to Summerhill Primary School. There was no sign of any police activity at the scene this morning.

West Midland Ambulance Service today confirmed they were called to the incident at 7.53pm.

Spokesman John Hawker said: "We were called to a man with severe burns."