Willenhall primary school turns its fortunes around in latest Ofsted inspection
A primary school criticised for underperforming pupils and substandard teaching two years ago has now turned its fortunes around to be rated Good by an education watchdog.

Beacon Primary in Willenhall, which has more than 400 pupils on the roll, was told to improve by Ofsted in 2015.
But now inspectors have concluded it is ‘Good’ across the board following their latest visit in February.
Their latest report said: “The headteacher, through his commitment, vision and imagination, has led a rapid improvement in the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement.
He sets very high expectations for pupils and staff alike.
“The governing body understands the school’s strengths and weaknesses in detail, and provides effective support and scrutiny.
“Pupils benefit greatly from a broad and often exciting curriculum. They enjoy good extracurricular activities, especially in sport.”
“Leaders have successfully extended the early years provision to include two-year-olds.
“Many children in the younger years catch up rapidly from low starting points.” The school was issued praise in the key areas it had previously been told to improve.
The report added: “In 2016, pupils left key stage two having made progress in writing and mathematics that was above the national average.
“Pupils across the school, including those who are disadvantaged, are currently making strong progress in English, mathematics and a range of other subjects including science, music and physical education (PE).”
“Teaching is good. Teachers set work that builds upon what pupils can already do, and check carefully on their progress in lessons.”
Beacon Primary has also maintained Good standards in the category concerned with pupil behaviour and welfare.
Ofsted said: “Pupils’ attitudes to school are consistently positive.
“They show exceptional care for each other, and take great pride in their work.
“They behave well in lessons and at social times.”
The school has now been advised to focus on three key areas to improve their rating further; teaching quality, the effectiveness of leadership and pupil attendance.
Headteacher Paul Drew said: “We are really pleased with the latest Ofsted report, as a school we have made outstanding progress as can be seen in the report. The whole team at Beacon has worked incredibly hard.”