Stafford nursery wins appeal over Ofsted rating
A nursery has had its appeal over a 'requires improvement' Ofsted rating approved and is now 'good' according to the education watchdog.
The Ark Day Nursery, was rated as 'requires improvement' back in March after weaknesses were identified at the site on Patrick's Street, Stafford.
Bosses have said they believed the original rating was 'unwarranted' and then submitted an appeal, which has been upheld.
Gemma Barnwell, manager, said: "We are delighted to announce we have officially been graded a 'Good' nursery by Ofsted.
"After appealing what we were certain was an unwarranted decision, we have now had the grading overturned.
"In the report we have been given 'Good' in all 4 areas including 'Effectiveness of the Leadership and Management' and 'Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare'.
"Ofsted agreed that it was unjust for us to be marked down when we are in line with Staffordshire's accident and injuries procedures.
"Under the leadership and management setting it now states the accidents that did happen were "unavoidable", one of the three accidents was my own son in 2014.
"We are now working with Staffordshire Children's Safeguarding Board to help them adapt their policies in line with the EYFS to prevent the same situation happening to another nursery.
"We would like to say a massive thank you to all our families that have supported us and for saying such lovely things about us."
While the original report did find cause for concern in relation to safety procedures and the effectiveness of leadership and management, it was not entirely negative.
It said that staff build positive relationships with children by 'giving them their full attention' and 'providing warm and consistent care'.
It read: "Staffing arrangements ensure that children are adequately supervised. The manager completes annual and daily risk assessments, which are regularly reviewed in order to protect children from harm.
"Staff provide children with nutritious and balanced meals and snacks. Children regularly use the nursery's large, indoor soft-play facilities with steps and a slide shoot."
The 'outcome for children' and 'quality of teaching, learning and assessment' were rated as good, and inspectors said staff have developed links with local schools, nurseries, and authority advisers.
It said that staff build positive relationships with children by 'giving them their full attention' and 'providing warm and consistent care'.
On the decision to overturn the original rating, an Ofsted spokesperson said: "Having reviewed this nursery's complaint, we upheld their appeal and have changed the inspection judgement to good."