Walsall's Fullbrook Nursery School gets 'outstanding' Ofsted report
A Walsall nursery has been rated outstanding by Ofsted for the third consecutive time.
Fullbrook Nursery School retained its outstanding rating in a report released earlier this month.
Inspector Usha Devi said: "Teaching has strengthened since the previous inspection. The activities that the staff plan effectively sustain children's concentration because they are suitably challenging and inspiring. After the last inspection, leaders were specifically asked to focus on Pakistani boys and their understanding of number. The information about children's learning and examples of children's work confirm that any variations between the achievements of different children diminish by the end of Nursery, including in mathematics.
"The safety of children is paramount. Staff make sure that children are well supervised and that the children learn how to keep themselves safe. Children skilfully climb, balance and travel with dexterity when using different equipment. Through their regular interactions, staff effectively encourage children to be friendly and to be gentle with their hands and feet."
Click here to read the full report
Headteacher Andrina Flinders said: " I am so proud of the staff and children, Fullbrook Nursery School really is a very special place, we work very hard to provide an inspiring fun filled early education.
"We are keen to share our success with families across Walsall. We have a few spaces left for both 2 and 3 year old and from September we will be offering 30 free hours of childcare for working families."
Ofsted reported on the exceptional leadership and how staff set a positive tone with a warm smile and conversation at the start of each day.
In particular the report recognised the impact that the 2yr old provision has on children's increased success in their nursery year.
They were also praised for excellent progress that children make.
The safety of children was found to paramount, commenting on the air of calm that pervades throughout nursery.
From September Fullbrook Nursery School will be offering 30 hours free childcare for working parents.