Express & Star

Wolverhampton school must improve, says Ofsted report

A Wolverhampton primary school has been told it requires improvement following its latest Ofsted inspection.


Oxley Primary School in Ripon Road was given a 'grade 3' rating on the back of a visit from inspectors on April 30 and May 1, matching the grade it received after the watchdog's previous visit in September 2013.

Pupils' achievement at the 225-pupils school was said to be 'not yet consistently good', while staff were said to not develop children's writing skills well enough in early years.

The report said that Key Stage 1 staff did not ensure that pupils form letters correctly and use joined up handwriting, with teachers' expectations for pupils' pupils' progress 'not always high enough' in years one and four.

Lead inspector Derek Aitken wrote: "Instability of staffing and underperformance in teaching have depressed standards."

Standards at the end of Year Six were said to have improved considerably in 2014, but remained below average.

Disadvantaged pupils in Year Six were said to be working five terms behind their classmates in maths, four terms behind in reading and one term behind in writing.

A number of strengths were noted in the report. The new senior leadership team and governors were said to have worked successfully this year to strengthen the school's capacity to drive improvement.

Head Lorraine Adams was praised in the report for having a 'clear understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses'.

She said: "The senior leadership team now has the capacity to drive the necessary changes."

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