Express & Star

The highest number of Wolverhampton schools ever achieve good and outstanding Ofsted results

A total of 93 per cent of schools in Wolverhampton are now rated either "Good" or "Outstanding" by Ofsted – the highest number yet.


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The latest figures from the education watchdog mean the city has scored above the national average, with 90 per cent of schools across the country having been handed the top inspection results.

A grand total of 21 schools in Wolverhampton hold the top grade, while 81 have been ranked as "Good".

The figures also show that 96 per cent of Wolverhampton's primary schools are either "Good" or "Outstanding", compared to 91 per cent in the West Midlands and 92 per cent nationally.

Grove Primary School on Caledonia Road is among the 'Good' schools in Wolverhampton

It is also good news for secondary schools in the city, as 85 per cent hold one of the two top grades, scoring above the national average of 84 per cent.

The inspection results mean 6,500 youngsters – equivalent to 92 per cent of the local pupil population – attend either "Good" or "Outstanding" schools in the city.

The latest figures are an improvement on those released in May, which showed 92 per cent of Wolverhampton schools had received the top rankings from Ofsted.

Christ Church Infant School has an 'Outstanding' Ofsted rating

Councillor Jacqui Coogan, Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for children, young people and education, said: "As a council, we are determined that our city's children and young people get the best possible start in life – and that means ensuring they have access to the best possible education, too.

"We have been committed to raising education standards over recent years. It is a central theme in our council plan and we're working closely with local schools and academy trusts to ensure the best outcomes for all our children and young people.

"And we find ourselves in an excellent position, with more pupils in Wolverhampton now attending Good or Outstanding schools than ever before.

"This is thanks to the dedication and commitment of leaders, teachers, governors, pupils and parents, as well the sustained investment in education we have made over the last decade.

“This hard work will continue as we look to help even more of our schools secure Good or Outstanding judgments.”