Express & Star

Number of Wolverhampton pupils who have landed place in favoured secondary school amid 'extremely high' demand

More than 90 per cent of young people in Wolverhampton have landed a place at one of their preferred secondary schools despite "high" demand, new figures show.

More than 90 per cent of Wolverhampton youngsters have landed a place in one of their favoured schools

The allocation of spaces for pupils who will be starting secondary education in September was announced on Friday.

Figures have revealed that 93 per cent of youngsters in the city will study at one of their favoured schools.

Councillor Jacqui Coogan, Wolverhampton Council’s cabinet member for education, skills and work, said demand for secondary school places is "extremely high".

She continued: "We understand how important getting into the right school is to pupils and their parents and carers and we want as many of our young people as possible to secure a place at one of their preferred schools.

"We are continuing to see improved outcomes for children and young people across the board, from our very youngest pupils to those heading into further education, employment or training for the first time.

"Waiting lists will be in operation over the coming months and any places will be made available as and when they become free, while parents who are unhappy with the allocation made for their child will also have the opportunity to make an appeal if they wish, which will be considered by an independent panel."

Parents whose children are due to start secondary education in September next year have already been advised to start thinking about their preferred schools.

Councillor Coogan added: "With demand for school places likely to be high again next year, I would like to remind parents of pupils entering secondary education in 2025 that they should submit their applications promptly when the window opens in September 2024.

"Missing the deadline could significantly affect the chances of securing a place at their preferred school."

Parents of youngsters set to start secondary school this autumn who haven't yet applied for a place should do so by contacting Wolverhampton Council's school admission team on 01902 551122 or via