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Day of celebration for many after A-Level results released

It was a day full of emotions for students finding out the result of two years of hard work.

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The students of Halesowen College celebrate after two years of hard work

A-Level results day was a day for students across the region to get their results, take stock of what they had got and work out their next steps.

Results from schools and colleges in the region reflected national figures, which showed the proportion of A-level entries awarded top grades is down on last year but still remains above pre-pandemic levels,

More than a quarter (27.2 per cent) of UK entries were awarded an A or A* grade, down by 9.2 percentage points on last year when 36.4 per cent achieved the top grades.

The overall pass rate, which was the proportion of entries graded A* to E, has fallen to 97.3 per cent this year, which is lower than 2022 (98.4 per cent) and the pre-pandemic year of 2019 (97.6 per cent).

A-Level students at Central Saint Michael’s Sixth Form in West Bromwich were celebrating another summer of success after getting to the college at 8am to get their results.

Ria Karra celebrates with her mum Rample Heer

There was a mixture of tension, excitement and trepidation in the air as students queued to pick up their results, with many congregating together with their friends to check their results.

Central Saint Michael’s students achieved a 99 per cent pass rate in all A-Level subjects and BTEC diplomas with many students getting the top grades, with around 30 different subjects and qualifications seeing a 100 per cent pass rate.

The results provoked a range of emotions, with some student smiling and hugging friends, family and teachers, while other were quieter and more introspective about their results.

Aniqa Maryam-Begum can't believe her results

Jay Abrahim from Wolverhampton achieved an A* in maths and A's in physics and business studies and the 18-year-old said he was relieved to get the results he wanted to go to university.

He said: "I've done really well and after going in with terrible expectations, I feel really good about my results and it was worth the last two years of hard work.

"I'm hoping to go to Birmingham University to study economics and I think studying here has really helped me and I want to thank my maths teacher, who really helped me with everything."

Adrian Khodavardar celebrates his results with members of staff

The feeling of relief being felt by Jay was being matched by other students, with 19-year-old Adrian Khadavardar from Birmingham hugging his tutors and other members of staff after receiving a C for politics and B's for business studies and law.

He said: "I've done far better than I expected and I'm really happy with the grades I got as I was very worried after the business exam, but to get this exceeds my expectations and makes me very happy.

"I want to study politics and international relations at Warwick University and while they asked for three B's, I'm a scholar there and should be able to get on the course, but what counts is I've tried my best."

Other happy students were 18-year-old James Paton from Quinton and 19-year-old Sol Lovatt from Oldbury, with both saying they were pleasantly surprised with their results.

Adrian Khodavardar, Aniqa Maryam-Begum, Sol Lovatt and James Paton enjoy their exam success

James said: "I got A's in maths and business studies and C's in chemistry and computer science and I'm pleasantly surprised at how I've done, so it's made the stress all worth it and means I can go to Staffordshire University to study programming."

Sol said: "I did a mixture of BTEC and A-Levels and I think I've done amazingly, with a distinction star in law and business at BTEC and a B in English at A Level.

"It's just amazing to see the hard work pay off and I'm going to study business and sociology at Aston University, which I saw on an open day in the spring and fell in love with."

Jasper Booth celebrates with dad Dean and mum Jenny at Central Saint Michael's Sixth Form College in West Bromwich

Dr Matt Lamb, Principal of Central Saint Michael’s Sixth Form, said: “We’re delighted to celebrate another summer of success at Central Saint Michael’s.

"I’d like to personally congratulate all our A-Level and BTEC students; they should be incredibly proud of their results.

"It’s testament to their hard work and determination that they now have a wealth of exciting opportunities ahead and I’ve no doubt they’ll continue to achieve great things."

Across the region in Halesowen, the students of the town's college were making their way into pick up their envelope of results and see what two years of work and exams had brought them.

As with Central Saint Michael's, there was a range of emotions, with some students needing a quiet place to go to and others running out smiling and cheering after achieving great results.

Elliot Kentish got three A stars with help from his lucky mascot Doc at Halesowen College..

Elliot Kentish from Brownhills had completed one of his A-Levels in 2022, having done a fast-track maths exams, and the 18-year-old, who was carrying his mascot Doc, had finished up with three A*'s in maths, further maths and chemistry, results he said he was really pleased with.

He said: "I've got top grades and I'm looking forward to going to Birmingham University to study maths, so I'm just really pleased and overjoyed at the moment.

"The last few years have been tough, but really worth it, particularly the fast-track maths A-Level, and I'm now ready to go on and see how deep into the maths rabbit hole I can go."

Drama student Bethany Webb from Halesowen was equally please with her results, with the 18-year-old get B's in English language and literature and in drama and a C in history, and said she was excited about going to university.

She said: "I was definitely happy with my results, especially history as I was expecting a D, and I'm getting ready to go to Bangor University to study drama and performance, so I get to study by the sea.

"I was very nervous before today, but I've got my results and my clearing details and I'm just happy and thankful for the last two years as the teachers and people were lovely and I really liked the campus."

Lucy Hutt, Natasha Cassidy, Jaskaran Singh, Wren Nicholson and Bethany Webb celebrate their results at Halesowen College

Lucy Hutt from Wombourne was happy to complete her A-Levels and finished with D's in English literature and sociology and an E in art and the 18-year-old said she was happy to pass everything and learn more about herself from her time at the college.

She said: "I'm feeling ok as I passed everything and I've done as well as I expected and now that I've finished, I know that the last two years were a great experience which taught me more than I ever thought possible.

"I'm going onwards to do a tattooing apprenticeship and I think being here really helped as I got more comfortable in myself and in my own art and exploring how things could be done."

Jaskaran Singh from Coseley said he felt a real sense of achievement from his results, with the 18-year-old getting B's in biology and environmental science and a C in chemistry.

He said: "I'm really happy with my chemistry as I wasn't doing that well at it last year and I tried harder this year, so it feels good to get these results and I feel like I've achieved.

"I'm going to Birmingham University to do biological science and I think this college really helped me to achieve my results as they gave me guidance and helped me prepare for exams, so they really helped me to achieve my best results."

Halesowen College principal and chief executive Jacquie Carman said: "Today, we are celebrating the achievements of all our level three students in A-Levels, T-Levels and vocation qualifications.

"Their success is reflective of their talent and hard work and the dedication and commitment of our fabulous staff and as our students look forward to the future, be that university, an apprenticeship, a gap year or employment, we wish them every success."

Around the region, schools and colleges were celebrating their students success and wishing them well for the future.

St Peter's Collegiate Academy in Wolverhampton put out a message from Associate Assistant Principal Claire Crick to congratulate students on their results.

She said: "It is with great pleasure that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the remarkable students who have achieved outstanding A-Level results this year.

"These exceptional young individuals have demonstrated resilience and determination and, despite the upheaval caused by the global health crisis, these students have risen above the chaos and achieved remarkable success with results representing a return to pre-pandemic outcomes.

"Among the many achievements, it is particularly noteworthy that a significant number of students have secured places at prestigious Russell Group universities.

"This is a testament to their academic prowess and the recognition of their hard work by esteemed institutions.

"These students have proven that they possess the intellectual acumen and dedication required to excel in their chosen fields."

At Shireland Biomedical UTC in West Bromwich, Students, staff and families came together to celebrate and mark the achievements of all students.

83 per cent of A-Level students achieved three or more A-Level passes at grades A* to E and, in addition, 96 per cent of students undertaking BTEC courses also achieved qualifications equivalent to three or more A level passes at grades A*-E, mirroring the success of A-Level students.

Kayleigh Steed, Head of Sixth Form at Shireland Biomedical UTC, said: “It brings us immense joy to celebrate our students’ well-deserved achievements today and witness the remarkable growth and progress during their time here at Shireland Biomedical UTC.

"A heartfelt congratulations to all our sixth form students from everyone at the Academy. We wish you all the very best and have no doubt that you go on to have bright, happy and successful futures wherever your journeys take you."

Shireland Collegiate Academy students were in a celebratory mood after their results

Students at Ormiston NEW Academy in Wolverhampton were celebrating after receiving their A Level and applied general results.

The sixth form students at Ormiston NEW Academy, which is sponsored by Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT), achieved a high level of results, with highlights being Maia with two B's and a C in A-Levels), Lily with a B and two C's in A-Levels), and Sanjay and Sukhpal with two Distinction* and one Distinction.

Craig Cooling, Principal at Ormiston NEW Academy, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the performance of our year 13 students at Ormiston NEW Academy.

Craig Cooling poses with students Sanjay and Sukhpal at Ormiston North East Wolverhampton Academy

"I am immensely proud of the resilience and determination demonstrated by all.

"I am very honoured to have followed their journey and wish them all the success for their future."

Ormiston Forge Academy in Cradley Heath was also celebrating another strong set of A level and BTEC level 3 results.

Sahil Ahmed and Asim Naeem celebrate at Ormiston Forge Academy in Cradley Heath

As well as improving A level results, the performance of students undertaking applied general (BTEC) courses was also high, with an average grade of a Distinction.

Some individual standouts included Jake Burrows with two Distinction* and one Distinction in BTEC sport and Ahmed Taheri with two A's and two B's at A-Levels.

Lisa Mason, Principal of the Academy said: “Support lies at the foundation of our sixth form, and I have no doubt that it has been instrumental in enabling our students to excel and achieve the results they are celebrating this year.

"I am incredibly proud of all of sixth form students, but particularly pleased with how our students from disadvantaged backgrounds have performed."

Bishop Milner Catholic College in Dudley had a stream of happy students after excellent results.

Bishop Milner Catholic College students enjoyed their big day

Stand-out achievers were Cormac Vance, with four A* grades and one A grade, Abbas Malik, with one A* grade and two A grades, Louis Parkes with two A grades and one Distinction* and Igor Lysiak, with one A grade and two Distinction*

Head of School, Siobhan Foster, said: “Today we say goodbye to a wonderful group of young people as results day 2023 marks the end of their Bishop Milner journey.

"We are so proud of them , not just for their fantastic individual achievements, but also for their commitment and resilience over the last two years."

Colton Hills Community School in Wolverhampton saw its highest proportion of UCAS and apprenticeship applications and celebrated some high achievers.

Harleen Grewal achieved five A levels, an A* in Italian, and As in religious studies, economics, mathematics and a B in history, while. Mihir Chopra achieved As in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Harleen Grewal and Lovepreet Kaur were big achievers at Colton Hills Community School

Acting Deputy Headteacher Mr Gittins said “Our students should be very proud of what they have achieved.

"They have worked extremely hard, supported one another, and adapted to unprecedented challenges.

"Their results demonstrate the efforts they have put in and the high-quality teaching by our excellent staff.

"We wish them all the very best for the future.”

It was a day of celebration for students at Shireland Collegiate Academy in Smethwick as they receive their A-Level results.

93 per cent of A level students achieved three or more A -Lvel passes at grades A* to E, while 62 per cent of A-Level students accomplished three or more passes at grades A-C.

Mr Irish, Principal at Shireland Collegiate Academy, said: “We are proud and thrilled to be celebrating our students’ well-deserved successes with them.

"We feel very privileged to have witnessed their growth and progress throughout their time with us.

“We wish them all congratulations from everyone at the Academy, and all the very best for the future.

“I would also like to thank our staff for all their hard work in preparing students for their A levels and BTECs this year, ensuring they are prepared, not just for exams, but life as well-rounded, decent members of society.”

Students at St Edmund's Catholic Academy in Wolverhampton celebrate their high results

St Edmund's Catholic Academy in Wolverhampton enjoyed another year of high achievement with some students performing very well.

Niven Rooprah gained two A* and one A, while Yusuf Bhogal earned two A* and two A, Kyle Luis finished with an A*, two A's and a B and Gurjot Singh earned an A*, an A and two B's.

Principal Maggie Hazeldine said, “I am thrilled that our young people have achieved such outstanding grades this year.

"We pride ourselves on the bespoke advice and guidance we give to each student so that they can pursue truly aspirational career paths.

"They have made their school and their families very proud indeed.”

Students and staff at Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy are celebrating today after receiving their A Level results, enabling them to secure places at their chosen universities, apprenticeships and jobs.

At Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy, students across the academy performed brilliantly, with some individual standout achievements.

These included Milan Kainth who achieved A* in Mathematics, A* in Psychology and A in English Literature, Charlotte Witton and Zaina Sajid, who both achieved A*, and two A's and Libby West, who achieved an A*, A and double distinction*.

Michael Riley, Principal at Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy, said: "We are delighted to see our students receiving their results today, all of which are hugely deserved after working so hard over the last two years.

"We are very proud of their outcomes and would like to thank all our students, their families, our staff and the wider academy community for their ongoing support."

Delight and relief for students at Blessed William Howard in Stafford

Students Blessed William Howard in Stafford were celebrating after the students, on average, achieved their target grades across all their subjects, with half of all grades awarded at A* - B.

Some of the top performers included Conor Vince, with A* in English Literature, A in Economics and B in History, Phoebe Ashton with two As in Geography and Religious Studies, B in Economics and A* in EPQ and Elena Grechi, who achieved 2 A*s in Art and English Literature and 2 As in Business and Spanish.

Mr Karl Brown, Principal, said: “Students at Blessed William Howard have risen to the many challenges including the impact of lockdown and the pandemic.

"Their achievements this year are excellent and well-deserved.

"I would like to congratulate the students on their wonderful achievements and thank the staff for their true dedication and commitment, which have enabled students to achieve their true potential."

Students and staff at King Charles I School in Kidderminster achieved more than 50 per cent of the students achieving a top A*-B or equivalent grade in their Key Stage 5 courses.

The top performers included Luke Brown with four A*, Charlotte Lawton with three A*and a B, James Anderson with four A's and Jack Baggott with a Distinction* and two Distinctions.

Headteacher Jamie Butler said, “I am delighted for our students.

"These results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the students and staff.

"Over the last year it has been a pleasure to see students and staff working together to produce this outstanding achievement."

Students and staff at George Salter Academy in West Bromwich were celebrating after seeing students achieve excellent and high numbers.

All of the grades awarded in Physics were awarded A*-A, over two thirds grade A to B in Art, and one half or more of all grades in Business, English Literature and Law.

Stand out achievements were Marichi Shemar, who achieved four A* grades in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and EPQ and Riana Kumar, who achieved Distinction* in Music, Double Distinction in Performing Arts, and a grade B in History.

Adrian Price, Principal at George Salter Academy, said: “We are proud of every student for their hard work over the last two years, and so pleased to see this reflected through some fantastic results.

"Our students have all been brilliant, but we would also like to thank their families, our staff, and the wider academy community for their ongoing and invaluable support.

"Whether our students are going on to university, higher level study, or the world of work, we wish them all the best, and are sure they will have every success.”

Vishwas Kumar, Tom Watson, Ella Grew and Serena Kang celebrate their success at Wolverhampton Grammar School

Wolverhampton Grammar School saw the percentage of Upper Sixth students awarded with the top A* to A grades go up to 45 per cent of this year’s cohort, up 12 per cent on 2019 gradings.

19 per cent of students this year were awarded an A* with five students achieving straight A*s and two of these were awarded four straight A* grades.

Acting Head, Nic Anderson said: “I am extremely proud of all our students, they have shown great commitment to their studies and their hard work has been justly rewarded with a fantastic set of results which our whole school community are proud of.

"I thank my staff for their dedicated teaching and for preparing our students so well for their examinations and onward pathway to university."

The Khalsa Academy in Bilston said it was proud to report a 97 per cent pass rate achieving A*-E, with 12 per cent of students achieving grades A*-A, and 36 per cent achieving grades A*-B.

Harsimran Singh, Suchpreet Singh, Jasmin Kaur, Yash Bedi and Jaskaran Singh celebrate excellent results at Khalsa Academy

It also congratulated students such as Jaskaran Singh, who achieved 2 A*s and an A, Yash Bedi, who achieved 1 A* and 2 As, Jasleen Kaur, who achieved 1 A*, 1 A and 1 B and Mehtab Singh, who achieved 1 A*, 1 A and 1 B.

Mr Sukhdev Shoker, Head of School said: “ We are delighted with the fantastic results achieved by our students.

"Their hard work and commitment to their education has been duly rewarded.

"Thank you to all staff, parents and the wider school community for all their support in ensuring our students continue to flourish in their academic and social achievements.”

Cannock Chase High School was celebrating another year of excellent results in the Sixth Form.

Cannock Chase High School saw a high number of good results

Some highlights include Eleanor Chapman, who achieved two A* and two A's, Thomas Kirby who achieved two A* and a B and Riley Luker, who earned an A*, two A's and a B.

Deputy Headteacher Jill Simpson said: "We are proud of our student’s outstanding achievements in both academic and vocational qualifications, with superb individual successes amongst our excellent overall results.

"In the face of adversity over the past 3 years, 100 per cent of our university applicants have achieved a place at the university of their choice, with other students successful in securing apprenticeships or employment; the true measure of success.

"We wish all of our students the best of luck in their future endeavours."

Students from Invictus Sixth Form in Kinver achieved some hugely impressive individual outcomes , with seven students securing straight A*, A's and Distinctions.

Isabel Porter was the top achiever with two A* and one A, Harry Davies earned an A* and two A's, Jake Evans, Finlay Murphy and Jake Woolley all achieved three A's, Dan Price achieved an A, a Distinction* and a Distinction and Aleisha Williams earned an A*, a Distinction * and a Distinction.

Emily Morgan, Director of Sixth Form, said: “This was the first set of externally marked exams that these students have sat during their secondary education, and that adds some real pressures and challenges.

"Our Invictus Sixth students have, however, shown real resilience, determination and independence and have secured results that opens the doors to some very exciting futures.”

Sixth Form students at Old Swinford Hospital have received their A Level and post-sixteen results, and now embark on the next chapter of the lives.

Sixth Form students at Old Swinford Hospital were celebrating receiving their A Level and post-sixteen results and embarking on the next chapter of the lives.

A fifth of grades were at A*/A level, four students are heading off to Oxford and Cambridge, whilst 10 per cent of students have gained higher and degree apprenticeships positions.

Director of Sixth Form, Rob Orr said: “Sixth Form is a stepping stone to employment and higher education, and I am particularly delighted by our set of destinations this year.

"The number of students who have secured places on selective higher and degree apprenticeships or competitive undergraduate degree programmes at Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and Russell Group universities is impressive.

"This cohort has been a genuine pleasure to teach and they are a great bunch of young adults who will go on to brilliant futures."

The Class of 2023 at Stafford College celebrate their success

Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group extended huge congratulations to the students from its Class of 2023 after seeing that 1,242 A Level entries had a pass rate of 99.1 per cent.

Additionally, 59 per cent of A Level entries achieved high grades A*-B, 24 per cent of which were A*- A and 84.13 per cent achieved A* - C grades.

Craig Hodgson, Principal and Chief Executive of NSCG said: “I am so pleased that we are able to celebrate stellar results, which look set to exceed national benchmarks, with the ‘Class of 2023’.

"Learners have worked incredibly hard during their time at NSCG and these excellent results are a testament to their relentless dedication, determination and drive.”

"We wholeheartedly share in the pride that our learners’ family and friends will be feeling today and we wish all of our departing students every success as they leave us to take up university places, apprenticeships or careers in industry."

Sophie Oldaker, Hattie Hasketh-Boston, Mia Smith, Alice Griffiths and Erin Bradley celebrate their results at the Hart School

The Hart School in Rugeley has praised the tenacity of its Sixth Form students as they move on to their next chapter after collecting exam results.

The school is celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate for its Level 3 vocational subjects and a host of notable student successes at A Level too.

They include Lieah Elson, Distinction in Health & Social Care, A in Sociology, B in Psychology, Mia Smith, Distinction Health & Social Care, B Psychology, B Sociology, Sophie Oldaker, Distinction Health & Social Care, B Psychology, B Art; and Alicia Astle, with A Maths, B Further Maths and C in Spanish.

Principal Rachael Sandham said: “We’d like to say thank you to all of our Sixth Form students for their hard work and tenacity.

"Their GCSEs, falling in the pandemic, were difficult, but they showed great resilience and tenacity throughout their two-year studies.

“Well done from us all at The Hart School and we wish you all the very best for your next chapter and in your future careers.”

The King’s CE School said it was immensely proud of all Year 13 students who received their A Level and BTEC results, including Leila Khawari who achieved an A* and two A's, and Saber Mohamadi who got three A’s.

Vice Principal, Chris Green said “The excellent results are testament to the hard work and dedication of the students and the unwavering support from staff.

"We are excited about their futures and wish them all the very best as they embark on the next stage in their lives”.

Students at Moreton Hall are celebrating a stellar year of A Level results

Students at Moreton Hall in Wolverhampton have been celebrating after seeing A* grades increasing from last year and double those of 2019.

Amongst the high achievers were head girl Tarryn Stanhope’s four A*s at A-Level and an A* EPQ, Madina Karimli’s three A* and Hannah Andrews and Connie Richardson each enjoying A*, As and EPQ success.

Moreton Hall Principal Michael Brewer said: "These results are a superb reflection of the diligence and determination with which our students and their teachers have approached their A Level studies over the past two years.

"It would have been easy to be distracted by gloomy media coverage of the dramatic fall in grades expected this year but, with true Moreton spirit, our girls have blazed a confident trail to grades that exceed not only national averages but also improve in several key ways upon the grades received in 2019."

Across The Mercian Trust, more than 750 students across nine schools in Sandwell and Walsall at Aldridge School, Shire Oak Academy, Queen Mary’s Grammar School, Queen Mary’s High School, Walsall Studio School & Sixth, Q3 Academy Great Barr, and Q3 Academy Tipton achieved high grades.

Dan Parkes, CEO at The Mercian Trust, said, “Congratulations to our students and staff in all our sixth forms in Walsall and Sandwell today as we open A Level and vocational results together.

"It will always be a remarkable achievement to have sat these exams in the aftermath of the global pandemic and the hard work, perseverance, commitment and resilience you have learned as part of the process will without a doubt prepare you well for your future endeavours."

Students from E-ACT West Walsall Academy have been celebrating their success and are preparing to go to university.

Students from the academy have secured places at a range of universities including Aston University, Keele University, Aberystwyth University, University of Leicester, University of Worcester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Nottingham Trent University, Birmingham City University and several others.

Kerry Solway-Blower, headteacher at E-ACT West Walsall Academy, said: “It is testament to the hard work of our students and academy staff that so many leave our academy today to continue their studies at a range of universities or apprenticeships across the country.

"We cannot wait to see what they go on to achieve and wish our students every success in their future endeavours.”

Students from Cheslyn Hay Academy and Great Wyrley Academy were celebrating after another year of strong results.

The Aspire Sixth students achieved 43 A*-A grades with 21 students gaining at least one A* or A. 11 students achieved three or more A*-A grades. Students who studied vocational qualifications achieved an average grade of ‘Distinction’.

Subjects that saw particular success included BTEC Sport, where the average grade was Distinction*; History A Level, where 20% of students gained an A*; and Physics, Politics, and Sociology A Levels, which all had more than 30% of students achieving an A* or A grade.

Kelly Moore, Headteacher at Great Wyrley Academy, and Tom Macdonald, Headteacher at Cheslyn Hay Academy, said: “We are incredibly pleased to see our students perform so well: they have weathered the storm of COVID and emerged stronger.

"This year, grading has returned to pre-pandemic levels and our students have achieved some incredible results, securing their chosen university course or apprenticeship programme.

"We have been overwhelmed by the joy and success of our young people, which is well deserved following tremendous effort and determination from both students and staff.”

Amethyst Sixth Form at Aldersley High School saw good results, with three students gained three A*'s.

Head of school Austine Gavin said: "I am thrilled to congratulate our A-Level students on their remarkable achievements.

"Their results are a testament to their dedication, our faculty's unwavering support, and the continuous encouragement from parents and guardians.

"As they embark on their next educational journey, we are confident in their preparedness to excel and make us proud."

Wolverley CE Secondary School also congratulated its students on all their hard work"

Headteacher Bryn Thomas said: "I am delighted that average attainment of our students this is year has been maintained from last year.

"This is a significant achievement, as nationally A-level results are lower than last year following Ofqual’s efforts to return to pre-pandemic grading.

"It was a pleasure to see students get their results this morning and reap the rewards of all their hard work and dedication.”

Bo Jackson, Eloise Watts and Emily Richards celebrated at Gospel Oak School

Pupils at Gospel Oak School in Tipton have been celebrating after an increase in its percentage of A*-E and percentage of A*-B measures with 90 percent of grades awarded falling within the recognised A*-E range.

Ross Trafford, Executive Principal based at Gospel Oak School, said: "We are very proud of what the students have achieved and are delighted to see so many of them achieve the grades they need to pursue their ambitious plans for the future.

"These results are full of good stories for the town to be proud of.”

Alice celebrates an impressive A*, A, A, A at Tettenhall College

Tettenhall College has enjoyed a successful year after its A Level students performed even better than the last pre-COVID cohort.

The school announced that the overall pass mark is up on the 2019 results, as is their percentage of A*/A and B grades. A quarter of grades were awarded at A* to A.

Mr McAllister, headmaster of Tettenhall College, said: "It has been an absolute delight to witness the celebrations of pupils, parents, and teachers over these fantastic results.

"As our students move forward to pursue their dreams in various professions, we extend our best wishes for their future endeavours, confident that they will achieve remarkable things."

St Dominic's Grammar School Brewood head Girl Hettie Willis, who has secured a place at Loughborough University to study psychology.

St. Dominic’s Grammar School in Brewood was celebrating after 93 per cent of students successfully secured their chosen places at universities, which is above the national average.

The school also congratulated Harriet Hartland, who secured three A grades in her A-level examinations and has gained a place at Birmingham University to study accounting and finance.

Mr Peter McNabb, Headmaster of St. Dominic’s Grammar School, said: “We are very pleased with A-level results achieved by students at St. Dominic's Grammar School this year.

"It is with immense pride that we share that an impressive 93% of our students have successfully secured their chosen places at universities, which is above the national average.

"These results reflect the dedication, hard work, and exceptional teaching that defines our school community."