Express & Star

Walsall primary school celebrates 150th anniversary with week of fun activities

A Walsall primary school has taken pupils through its colourful history to celebrate the school's 150th anniversary.

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Staff and children dressed in period outfits at Leamore Primary School to celebrate the school's 150th anniversary.

Leamore Primary School has celebrated the anniversary with a week of fun-filled activities that delved into what life was like for different cohorts through the decades.

One of the highlights of the week was a school fashion show on Thursday, where each year group dressed in attire from a particular decade - with pupils and teachers alike donning vibrant and eccentric costumes.

Each year group was also taught an era-appropriate dance based on the decade. For example, the Year 6 students were dressed in 80s costumes and learnt a dance to Aerosmith's Walk This Way.

Staff and children dressed in period outfits and learned decade-specific dance routines at Leamore Primary School to celebrate the school's 150th anniversary.

Another fun event for the pupils was a visit from Matthew Hawkins from the Black Country Living Museum, who showed children what school would have been like when Leamore first opened.

Staff and children dressed in period outfits and learned decade-specific dance routines at Leamore Primary School to celebrate the school's 150th anniversary.

An adult from each class played along by acting up as part of the session, such as spelling wrong, calculating incorrectly, or talking when they shouldn’t be, leading to them getting caned.

School alumni were also invited to the school to partake in the festivities, with previous staff and students visiting for an afternoon tea.

It was the first opportunity students had to visit the school's air raid shelter, which has recently reopened at the school as a teaching resource.

One former student who attended was Professor Lloyd Peck, a polar marine biologist who attended Leamore as a child, before going on to study at Queen Mary's Grammar School and Cambridge University.

Professor Lloyd Peck unveiled a special plaque at the school, commemorating the 150th anniversary.

On Friday, the school will then be visited by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands, John F. Wood, and the Mayor of Walsall, Chris Towe.

Former pupil Professor Lloyd Peck unveiled the plaque. He's pictured with headteacher Lisa Francis, deputy headteacher Gavin Dwyer, assistant headteacher Stefanie Cox, and chair of governors Cath Thompson.

Reflecting on the celebrations, headteacher Lisa Francis said: "I am proud that we have been able to be a part of celebrating 150 years of Leamore Primary School serving our community.

"It has been amazing to see and hear just how much our school has meant to so many over the years and I feel privileged we are able to continue inspiring our pupils on their individual journeys.

"All staff in the Leamore team always deliver whatever the occasion and it is this shared commitment that makes the school so great."

Deputy headteacher Gavin Dwyer added: "It's been a privilege to be a part of the long history of this school which has helped so many children on their journeys.

"This was my primary school so it's amazing to be a part of these anniversary celebrations."

Cath Thompson, chair of governors for the school, concluded: "When I left Leamore primary school in 1969 I never thought I would be back here as chair of governors celebrating its 150 year anniversary!

"What a privilege it has been to be part of our amazing week long celebrations. I am so proud of our Leamore team for always putting our children first and making this a week to remember."