Express & Star

St Dominic’s Grammar School headmaster delighted with Independent Schools Inspectorate report

Brewood's St Dominic’s Grammar School in Brewood has been praised by the Independent School Inspectorate.

St Dominic's School pupils

Unlike Ofsted reports for none fee paying schools the ISI does not produce a single rating or ranking.

Inspectors measure 15 separate aspects of the Independent School Standards, which are rated as either `met` or `not met`.

Peter McNabb, the headmaster of St Dominic’s Grammar School, said: “Following our recent inspection, we have now received the final copy of our ISI report. I am pleased and proud to announce that not only did we meet every one of the 15 required sections, but the inspection team could also not find any improvements that needed to be made."

The report stated: “The school meets all of the requirements of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 and requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework, and no further action is required as a result of this inspection."

Mr McNabb added: "I continually extol the school and its hard-working staff, so it is fantastic to have this validated by an external organisation. I would like to thank my outstanding team who are committed to keeping our children safe and providing them with an excellent education. It is a joy to lead such a wonderful school, and I am proud to be a part of its special community and rich heritage.”

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