Teenagers rewarded for contribution during pandemic
Two students who coordinated their own food donation scheme and promoted it to support the Smethwick Foodbank have been recognised with the West Midlands Lieutenancy Young Active Citizen Award.

Emily and Oliver Lonsdale from Bristnall Hall Academy in Oldbury were rewarded by Deputy Lieutenant Gurpreet Bhatia.
The award was created last autumn after the Lieutenancy decided to introduce one to acknowledge the outstanding contribution young people were making during the pandemic.
Schools across the region were invited to share stories of pupils who they knew were contributing in amazing ways.
Nominations came from across the region with young people showing caring, dedication and passion to help others.
As well as dedicating many hours of volunteering, many showed initiative and imagination in how they were helping others.
These included running campaigns for kindness, promoting and operating food banks, delivering meals to those in need, setting up youth clubs and recording themselves reading books for younger children.
Each youngster will receive a signed certificate from the Lord-Lieutenant, John Crabtree OBE, who said he was delighted with the response.
Principal Kully Uppal said: “It’s fantastic to see two of our amazing students at Bristnall Hall Academy receive the inaugural Lord-Lieutenant's Young Active Citizen Award 2020.
"During a time where we have all had to overcome adversity, both Oliver and Emily have shown great citizenship and community spirit in supporting others within our community.
"We are proud of our young people here at Bristnall Hall and in Oliver and Emily, we have excellent role models for other young individuals across the Sandwell area to aspire to.
"We thank them for their great efforts and also extend our thanks Deputy Lieutenant Gurpreet Bhatia, who kindly presented this coveted award to our students today.”