Express & Star

Schoolchildren raise money for hospice by walking

Schoolchildren have been getting into their stride raising money for St Giles Hospice through a special walking challenge.

Pupils at Queen's Croft High School, Lichfield, have helped raise more than £1,500 for St Giles Hospice by walking. Pictured is PE teacher George Pilkinton with Year 7 students

Youngsters from The Friary School and Queen’s Croft High School in Lichfield and Henry Chadwick Primary School in Hill Ridware put in the miles throughout February generating more than £3,700.

The schools, from the Greywood Multi-Schools Trust, were supporting Whittington-based St Giles as their nominated charity for 2021 through its “Miles 4 St Giles" fundraising drive.

This sees participants encouraged to run, walk or cycle over 30 days and seek sponsorship, the proceeds of which will help the hospice continue to provide care for people living with incurable illnesses, which costs £850,000 a month.

With some children at school but many being educated from home, the miles took place in a variety of locations – on school grounds, in their local neighbourhoods or even for some children self-isolating, in their back gardens.

Pupils from Henry Chadwick Primary and Queens Croft High School walked a mile each day for a week and raised £2,090.

Ongoing fundraising by the Friary High School added a further £1,700 for the cause.

The CEO of Greywood Multi-Schools trust, Pat Hunt, said: “This is an amazing achievement - a big ‘well done’ to all the pupils and their parents for their support.”

Miles 4 St Giles is running until the end of the year. For more information visit