Wolverhampton youngster Lily completes marathon fundraiser
A determined youngster has ran the length of a marathon to raise funds for charity.

Lily Peppiatt, aged eight-years-old and a pupil at St Michael's Church of England Primary School in Tettenhall, has ran 26.2 miles throughout June in aid of Christians Against Poverty.
The Year 3 pupil decided to take on the challenge as she saw how many people were finding things difficult due to the current climate and wanted to do something to help others.
Starting on June 4 she has ran at least two miles around the track near to her school.

Despite scorching temperatures, Lily completed her final run finishing at the school on Friday, June 26.
Staff arranged it to coincide with the school's pirate day, where pupils dressed up in costumes and made a donation to Lily's appeal with all money raised going to the charity.
Collection buckets have been taken around St Michael's school and Lily's mother, Joanne, launched a Just Giving page for people to make donations.
So far, she has raised more than £1,000.
Mrs Kate Jackson, headteacher, said: "We are all very proud of her and what she has done.

"It really echoes our school's vision and our values."
Christians Against Poverty helps thousands of families through debt counselling and community groups, as well as equipping and empowering local churches to reach out to those on their doorsteps who may be struggling.
To donate to Lily's fundraiser, visit her Just Giving page.