Dudley headteacher praises students for adapting to new measures
A headteacher has praised students who have adapted to the new social distancing within their Dudley school.

So far Ellowes Hall has 100 of its 1,000 students back on site, and they are split into two groups which come into school two days a week.
Headteacher Carla Leslie said students arrive and leave school in stages and then stay in the same classroom with the teachers rotating.
"We looked at the sizes of rooms and where we could have up to 15 students," she said.
"They were measured at two metres and set up. We have staggered entrances and exits at 15 minutes apart.
"The students have been amazing. They are walked up to the classrooms, there is a sanitisation table outside, then they aren't moved, it's the teachers that rotate.

"That staff member teaches and doesn't come back for 48 hours before teaching another class.
"On each table is a plastic wallet which has all the resources they need and that is left on the desk.
"They have a break in cordoned-off areas outside and leave the classrooms through external doors.
"We're not providing food for the students, they bring their own then bag it up and take their rubbish home.

"We've got extra cleaners, and students go to the toilet one at a time then the toilets are cleaned after.
"For us it's been brilliant, the students have all turned up on time and feedback from parents has been good."
Meetings were held to inform parents of the changes before the students started and more will take place in two weeks to update parents.
Ms Leslie added: "We've been working on this for weeks to make sure it's safe for students and staff.

"We've been doing virtual lessons and are measuring who is on them.
"We've carried out an anxiety survey for both parents and students.
"And we have another zone set up if more students come back.
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"We're also in talks with the local authority about trying to get some Year 6 students in for transitioning, we'd love that.
"And we're launching a virtual tour of the school."