Classes shrink as secondary pupils get back to school
It’s been a stricter regime for secondary school pupils returning to the classroom.

Strict safety measures are in operation for Year 10 and Year 12 pupils heading back to their schools in the Black Country and Staffordshire on Monday.
Schools have undergone deep cleans in recent months to prepare for the return of pupils, while one-way systems are in operation in corridors and desks are spaced apart.
At Beacon Hill Academy, in Sedgley, about 50 Year 10 pupils have returned for one-to-one sessions with teachers, as well as children of key workers and more pupils will be returning over the week.
The school has hand sanitiser stations, a one-way system in the corridors and teachers and pupils are staying in small bubbles.

Principal Sukhjot Dhami said: “The return to school has been relatively smooth day and the students have been excited to be back. Our Year 10 students are coming in for one-to-one and we also have students of key workers in school. The Year 10s are coming in for their one-to-one sessions, they are coming in on a staggered return this week. We had in the region of about 50 students yesterday.
“The students have been delighted to be back and have been really appreciative of the support they are getting. The staff are going through the distance learning plans and giving them revision guides for their home learning.
“The students are also sticking to the social distancing measures in a positive way. I have been delighted to get back into work and see our students. Clearly there is a lot of work that needs to be done to help the students to catch up on what they have missed. But we are really delighted with how it has gone so far.”
Year 10 pupils also returned to Ridgewood High School, in Wollaston, Stourbridge, yesterday.
James Cannon, deputy headteacher at Ridgewood, said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Year 10 students back to Ridgewood. Attendance was excellent and students arrived ready for learning.

“All of our students were very respectful of the safety measures we have put in place, which include reduced class sizes, staggered start and finish times, as well as plenty of social distancing.
“Student’s engagement in online learning has generally been very good however we all know face to face contact with subject specialists is the best learning experience for our children.”
At Bristnall Hall Academy, in Oldbury, desks have been spaced out and sealed stationery packets were among a raft of safety measures put in place.
Principal Kully Uppal said: “It has been great to see some of our amazing Year 10 students and staff return to our academy today [Monday].
“The ‘new normal’ of education on site has seen our students and staff work safely together, adhering confidently to social distancing and other measures. We’re proud to be able to provide this face-to-face provision, something which not only allows us to fulfil our core purpose as educators but also support the welfare and wellbeing of our students too.”

King Edward VI College in Stourbridge said it would have strict social distancing measures in place. Its class sizes have been cut down to a third of the usual size to ensure lessons are taught safely.
Around 190 children are expected to return the classroom in small groups at the Hart School, in Rugeley throughout the week. Around 35 Year 10 students were in school yesterday.
Chris Keen, principal, added: “We had a really positive day on Monday, it was excellent. We had about 70 per cent of the Year 10s come to school yesterday, around 35 pupils, and then 14 Year 12 students who came in for face-to-face meetings. It was a really positive atmosphere around the school.”
“It was really good to see our pupils. It went fantastic and I have written a letter to our parents about how well the first day has gone, we are really pleased.”