Stafford school delivers normal timetable to students - virtually
It is business as usual for a Stafford school which has buckled down to deliver its normal daily timetable during lockdown.

Pupils at Stafford Grammar and Prep School are among a national minority who are following live interactive lessons throughout the day, with their teachers on hand to deliver and guide them through a full curriculum.
Staff and students were shown how to use online learning platforms before schools shut and the remote method of learning was introduced, paving the way for youngsters to speak as if they were in a real classroom setting.
Pupils have been quick to support the efforts of their teachers, 16-year-old A-level student Nina Fitton, said: “I’m really enjoying it. I feel I’m getting the same education and I like the fact that you can see your classmates on the screen during lessons and you can chat to them.
"If you have a question for your teacher you’re able to get an immediate response, rather than emailing them. It means I’m not bored at all during lockdown.”
Lee Thomas, headteacher, said: "Within a term and a half of headship I found myself having to lead a crisis situation like we have never seen before.
"You just have to get on with it, show clear direction and a clear strategy to get people behind you. That way you give people the confidence to get through it."