Wolverhampton primary celebrates Parent Power guide success
A Wolverhampton primary school is among the best in the country, according to a Sunday Times schools guide.

St Bartholomew's Church of England school, in Penn, was ranked 282nd out of 16,000 schools nationally in this year's Sunday Times Parent Power 2020 guide.
The ranking is based on Key Stage 2 performance.
Rachael Kilmister, headteacher, said: "The achievement of our children is testament both to their hard work and exceptional attitudes, and the dedication of all staff to ensure that our pupils can reach the highest standards that they are capable of.
"The support we receive from parents and carers is also crucial to this success.
"We have an ongoing dedication to providing high quality professional development for all staff which extends to all schools within the St Bartholomew's Multi Academy Trust, including Woodfield Primary School in Penn, which has led to significant improvements in outcomes."
Other Wolverhampton schools to make it into this year's Parent Power guide included Newbridge Preparatory School, Wolverhampton Girls' High School, Wolverhampton Grammar School and Tettenhall College.
Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for education and skills, said: "It is fantastic to see schools in Wolverhampton making it into the pages of the Sunday Times' Parent Power guide again this year, and this is down to the hard work of their teachers, leadership teams, parents and pupils.
"More schools in Wolverhampton are now rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted than ever before, with 90 per cent of all primary schools in the city with current Ofsted judgement rated either Good or Outstanding.
"As a council, we are continuing to work hard to raise educational standards in Wolverhampton still further and look forward to more local schools featuring in the guide in the future."