Child-sized signs a success in Walsall school parking campaign
A campaign to stop poor parking outside of a primary school in Walsall has been labelled a success.

Parents of pupils and staff at Christ Church C of E Primary School expressed concerns for the safety of the schoolchildren.
To combat dangerous parking outside the school on Harden Road, the school purchased child-sized statues to place outside the school to encourage parents to think before they park, thanks to a donation from the Parent and Teacher Association.
Sean Davies, headteacher, said: "Before the statues it was not safe for the children and also people with pushchairs as they were having to walk in the road to get around the cars.
"The first few deterrents were very successful and we saw an improvement in parking conditions outside of the school, but we still needed more deterrents for an access road near the school where people were still parking to ensure the absolute safety of our parents, children and their siblings."
Mark Evans, a parent of a pupil at the school, decided to launch an appeal to raise the funds to buy the extra three deterrent statues.
He said: "The school is on a main road and people park dangerously outside, there's no consideration for safety from some parents. It is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt if it carries on, even the lollipop man struggles to get children across the road safely.
"We need to see the council do something to improve safety on the main road such as clear road markings or flashing signs as currently there's nothing.
"I was concerned about my daughter's safety. The school couldn't afford the other statues so myself and other parents worked together to raise the money needed."
With the help of a group of parents, they raised £480 in total which has now been given to the school so they can purchase the additional deterrents.
Mr Davies, added: "I'm really pleased that the community has come together to support our school and that they see the value of safety.
"It has meant a lot to us as school leaders to have parents of the pupils help us make sure the children are safe and this is a massive achievement, I want to say a huge thank you to all of those who have supported us."