Oldbury primary school forced to close for week after flooding damage
A school will be shut for the rest of this week after suffering flooding damage.

It followed torrential rain last week which caused extensive damage at Causeway Green Primary on Penncricket Lane, Oldbury.
Repair work started during half-term but will need to continue this week.
The school and nursery are expected to reopen on Monday.
Julia Shingler, headteacher at Causeway Green said: “Unfortunately the school suffered severe flooding during the freak weather and flash floods on Sunday, May 27.
“Work to repair the flood damage has started which includes drying out floors and cleaning or replacing carpets.
“The school and nursery will be closed until Monday, June 11, when we hope the flood damage will be fixed.
“We realise the closure is a real inconvenience but we can’t have children back for lessons until the damage has been fixed and everything is clean and dry.”