Wolverhampton's Goldthorn Park Primary School 'not challenging bright pupils'
A school has been told to make more effort when challenging bright children while ensuring lazy pupils finish their work.
Goldthorn Park Primary School, in Ward Road, Wolverhampton, was handed the instructions after a Section 8 inspection by Ofsted last month.
Section 8 visits are monitoring reviews performed by the watchdog at schools that were deemed to require improvement after previous full inspections.
After the school's last review was in March it was recorded 'requires improvement' across the board in all categories.
Click here to read the full Ofsted report
Schools are ranked in effectiveness of leadership and management, quality of teaching, learning and assessment, personal development, behaviour and welfare, outcomes for pupils and early years provision.
Ofsted, in its Section 8 report, said: "Where teaching is not yet good inconsistencies remain in some year groups, particularly around the extent to which most-able pupils are stretched and challenged.
"Lessons are planned well to cater for pupils' different needs and starting points but this does not necessarily lead to sufficient additional activities for those who finish their work quickly. Some activities go on for too long. Where pupils are given a choice, they set challenges for themselves to take on harder work.
"Where they are not, they do not have the chance to work in greater depth once they have finished the task expected of them."
"The rates of progress are low for the declining population of white British pupils compared to all pupils nationally.
"Although Indian pupils at the school are doing well compared to their peers in school, their outcomes are below that of other pupils nationally and well below compared to Indian pupils nationally."
Headteacher Julia Roseblade said:
"There is a great rigour and urgency to secure further improvement and we are constantly reviewing our school improvement objectives. To help us in our journey we have been working closely with Elston Hall Multi Academy Trust, one of the outstanding teaching schools in the city, for a year now."