Express & Star

Great Barr School 'still needs to do better' says Ofsted report

A school has failed to improve its standards after a decade of underperformance.


Disappointing results, underachieving pupils, inconsistent teaching, lessons not planned well enough and high levels of absence have all contributed to Great Barr School's latest level three rating of 'Requires Improvement' by an education watchdog.

Since 2006 Ofsted has carried out half a dozen inspections at the Aldridge Road school, which has more than 1,800 pupils, but it has never managed to reach a 'Good' rating or better in that period.

  • Click here to see the latest Ofsted report

In 2008 inspectors found the school to be at an 'Inadequate' standard.

The watchdog has now published its latest findings after inspectors visited on June 28 and 29.

They did find the school was getting better and rated the school 'Good' in three key areas which were leadership, personal development and 16 to 19 studies, the school has remained pegged to a level three rating due to improvements which are still needed in outcomes for pupils and the standard of teaching.

The latest report said: "Good new teachers have not been in post long enough to remedy previous levels of underachievement. The quality of teaching, although rapidly improving, is not yet consistently good across subjects and within some subjects."

The report highlighted positive aspects which showed progress was being made.

It added: "The headteacher, senior leaders and governors bring ambition, enthusiasm and high expectations to the school.

"Senior and subject leaders work well as a team and are taking effective action to improve teaching and raise pupils' achievement."

Headteacher Ingrid Abrahams said: "I have been in the post of headteacher for 12 months at Great Barr School, and in that short time we have achieved a great deal – academy order has been granted, we have lowered the PAN (pupil admission numbers) and have a smart new school uniform.

"Ofsted visited in June 2016 and the report reflects all the positive work carried out by leaders and managers at Great Barr School, as well as highlighting some of the areas we are already dedicated to improving.

We have recently had a complete staff re-structure, employing a number of expert teachers and staff, as well as a student re-organisation, that we believe is intrinsic to progress at Great Barr School. I for one am committed to progression and am confident that our school is well on the way to achieving its goals. We are on a journey."

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