Express & Star

Ofsted praises Crestwood Park Primary School

A school in Kingswinford has been praised by Ofsted inspectors who noted improvements since their last visit.


Crestwood Park Primary was rated as 'good' by the education watchdog following an inspection in June – a step up from its 2014 rating of 'requires improvement'.

Inspectors said the primary, in Lapwood Avenue, had improved since their previous visit and was 'good' overall.

  • Click here to see the full Ofsted report

It was also rated good in all inspection categories – effectiveness of leadership and management, quality of teaching, learning and assessment, personal development, behaviour and welfare, outcomes for pupils and early years provision.

The school, which has 200 pupils, was previously told it required improvement following an inspection on February 2014.

Headteacher Maggie Stowe said the latest result was 'absolutely brilliant' and hailed the commitment of staff.

"It has been down to everybody pulling together, all the hard work of the staff," she said.

"The teachers are fantastic and I couldn't ask for a better team."

In a newly published report, an inspector said: "The school has improved since the previous inspection and continues to do so.

"The headteacher leads the school with passion to deliver on its aim to 'be the best you can be to achieve all that you deserve'.

"She is well supported by an effective senior leadership team.

"Achievement is good and pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics."

Mrs Stowe's stewardship of the school was lauded in the report.

Inspectors wrote: "As a result of the headteacher's focused leadership, there have been significant improvements since the previous inspection.

"The headteacher, together with the deputy headteacher, has developed a strong leadership team.

"Leaders are focused on raising standards and the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.

"The headteacher shares her vision and high aspirations for all pupils at Crestwood Park with all staff.

"She knows her school well and celebrates the progress of staff and pupils, while being honest and accurate in knowing the steps that need to be taken to further improve the school."

Pupils' behaviour and progress also came in for praise in the report.

Inspectors wrote: "The aim of the school is 'be the best you can be' – this is at the core of what is important in this school.

"Pupils learn about the 'secrets to success', whereby skills such as concentration, determination, trying new things, valuing others and being imaginative are constantly reinforced.

"These skills are taught successfully through different lessons, trips to local and national places of interest, visitors to school, assemblies and charity work."