Lichfield Cathedral gets first girl choristers in 800 years
Lichfield Cathedral has for the first time received girl choristers into the 800-year old choral foundation which has been singing services in the cathedral since 1315.

The sixteen girls were installed during choral evensong on Sunday, September 23.
The Very Reverend Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield said: "The admission of girl choristers to the historic choral foundation of the cathedral is good news for us all.
"It enhances the cathedral's worship, which is our primary purpose.
"It also allows girls to share the educational and other benefits of being a chorister, which boys have been enjoying for centuries.
"I am very happy that this development is another example of our close cooperation with the cathedral school.
"Together, we will enable more young people to develop their skills and talents, making them very strong candidates for good universities when the time comes to apply."
Many choirs containing girls have sung in the cathedral before now, but none of them has been a formal part of the cathedral foundation.
The Lichfield Cathedral Girl Choristers sing at 5.30pm every Monday during term time, and on two weekends per term. They will also sing at the busiest periods in the year, notably Christmas and Easter.
The girls are all music scholars attending Lichfield Cathedral School, and sing as choristers between the ages of 10 and 15 and then progress into the cathedral school's prestigious youth choir.
This will give them a wide experience of choral performance and enable them to apply for choral scholarships to universities and colleges.
For more information about becoming a chorister, contact Lichfield Cathedral School on 01543 306 168.
Children are invited to experience the delights of chorister life by joining free choral workshop days on January 12 (boys) and January 26 (girls).