Pupils enjoy taste of world outside window
Pupils at a Lichfield primary school have been getting out and about this term as part of a programme to offer real life experience.

Pupils at a Lichfield primary school have been getting out and about this term as part of a programme to offer real life experience.
Willows Primary School deputy head Samantha Tucker said that the new school minibus had given the school an opportunity to take children from all years out on educational visits.
In the Easter holidays two special outings are being planned. A group of year six pupils will be going to London to see the West End show Wicked and another group will visit the National Space Centre at Leicester.
There have also been recent trips to York and the Snow Dome at Tamworth.
"We try to get the children out beyond the school to get real life experience and then write about what they have done," explained Samantha.
A visit to the Lake District for a residential week is also planned for year six pupils on June 21.
They will be taking SATS tests in the week from May 10. Over recent weeks the Year 6 children have been learning about the Victorians.
Last week they took part in a Victoria cake-making exercise as part of mathematics studies."They had to work out the right proportion of ingredients and then make it.
The children said the worst job was the hour-long stirring which they had to continue through as assembly," added Samantha.
Year 2 pupils have been learning all about Australia and during information technology lessons have been drawing some of the continent's best known features including the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Opera House.
Reception children have been finding out about growing and nature this term. It has included carrying out bird watching from a hide and planting seeds.
One of the highlights of the summer will be the fair on June 17.
More information about Willows is at www.willows.digitalbrain.comi