Express & Star

Fried food banned at schools

Fried foods will be banned from Walsall school menus from tomorrow as part of the ongoing battle against childhood obesity across the country.


All 87 primary and seven secondary schools in the borough will be affected by the ban when they start their new terms next week.

Walsall Council, which oversees school menus, has made the move to meet increasingly stringent guidelines by the Government.

Councillor Zahid Ali, Walsall Council cabinet member for children's services, said: "I'm afraid that deep fat friers have had their chips at Walsall schools.

"We have gradually been phasing out fried food and I'm pleased to say that our menus will be fried food free when children return to school.

"Balanced meals are important for children and I'm very pleased that we are taking this course of action.

"It's clear that children prosper, learn more and have more energy if they have a balanced diet."

Menus will feature two choices for pupils which will meet nationwide nutritional guidelines.

Studies in Walsall show that younger pupils at infant and junior schools are already adapting to healthier Jamie Oliver-style healthy options but that older children are having more difficulty making changes to their dietary habits.

Research shows that a healthier diet helps pupils concentrate and perform better at school.

Meals are served by council catering staff at all schools and thousands are dished up each day.

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