Express & Star

Drunken Kingswinford man spat all over police car whilst being given a lift home

A drunken man who "splattered" the interior of police car with spit has appeared in court.

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Levi Spencer, 26, was drunkenly trying to enter a home on August 17 whose occupant did not want him in the property when the police were called.

After staggering and shouting police officers placed him in handcuffs. However, they also agreed to drive him to a relatives house.

During the journey Spencer began spitting covering the upholstery with phlegm which led him to being charged with criminal damage.

Spencer, of Market Street, Kingswinford, appeared at Dudley Magistrates Court on Tuesday and pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage to a police car belonging to West Midlands Police "intending to destroy or damage such property or being reckless as to whether such property would be destroyed or damaged".

Prosecuting Lauretta Okwuashi said: "He was being aggressive and abusive and was arrested for breach of the peace. It was explained to him he would be taken to his relatives house.

"On the journey the PC noticed the defendants spitting in the partition and it splattered on the seats. There was cleaning costs but not much damage."

In mitigation the court heard Spencer has taken steps to reduce his alcohol intake and has a full time job.

Magistrate PJ Shadwell said: "We can deal with this matter in this court without sending it to Crown Court.

"You will be given a conditional discharge. If you get in trouble again in the next 12 months you will be brought before the court for that offence and this one."

Spencer was ordered to pay £85 costs and £26 victim surcharge.

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