Express & Star

This is the baby-faced teenager jailed for his part in car chase and gunfight

This is the face of the 19-year-old driver who got into a gunfight on the way to buy paint at B&Q in his grandfather's mobility car.

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Joshua Edwards was sentenced to 11 years for possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life after being found guilty following a trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

Around 4pm on January 16, Edwards was involved in a car chase through Wednesbury in which gunshots were traded between the VW Golf he was driving and a VW Passat pursuing him.

Edwards rammed into several cars trying to get away and motorists who got out of their vehicles were almost caught in the crossfire. A group of men in a Jeep also joined the battle on Edwards side and tried to crash into the Passat head on causing a child pedestrian to jump out of the way.

Edwards, of Biddlestone Grove, Walsall, refused to name the occupants of his car claiming he had merely been giving them a lift on the way to buy paint.

He told the jury during his trial: "I was only going to buy paint at B&Q at Wednesbury. I have no idea why I was being chased or was being shot at. I just knew the Passat was chasing me and I wanted to get away.

"I did not know anything about the gun either."

However, Edwards did admit driving dangerously.

He said: "I was driving like a maniac, I am sorry for the cars which I hit trying to get away."

The apprentice roofer, who was of previous good character, maintained he knew nothing about the gun fired from his court even after being found guilty. In a letter to Judge Amy Jacobs before sentencing, Edwards again denied having a gun.

She told him: "I have to ignore your letter because a jury has found you guilty.

“You were driving your car backwards and forwards hitting cars trying to escape, it was then a firearm was discharged from your car. There were members of the public who were in the line of fire, it was sheer luck no-one was hurt.”

“I am sentencing you to 11 years, it would have been longer but I have taken into account your age. I will not disqualify you from driving so you can get a job on your release.”

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