Express & Star

Attacker who battered innocent victim throughout Walsall town centre with friends avoids jail

A man who beat an innocent pub-goer repeatedly through a town centre after a misunderstanding has avoided jail.


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Ethan Tarrier spat, punched and kicked his victim in several attacks on the night of April 4, 2022, which started at The Registry pub and ended at Walsall Bus Station.

The brutal attack, which included female friends of Tarrier joining in, was captured on CCTV and shown to Wolverhampton Crown Court where the 20-year-old was sentenced.

Drunk on alcohol and high on cocaine, Tarrier could be seen standing above his victim and repeatedly punching him. The victim was left with head injuries, bruises and forced to go to several brain scans in the aftermath of the beating.

In a victim impact statement to the court, the victim said: "I did not deserve to be attacked that way. I have lost a lot of confidence. When I see a group of young people when I am out now I think I will be attacked. I have had to have several scans on my brain."

Defending, Saleema Mahmood said: "This attack happened two years ago when the defendant was 18. He has no other convictions. He voluntarily went to the police station and admitted what he had done. He has told me he was dealing with a bad experience of meeting his birth mother which did not go well in the days before the attack.

"He now works and contributes to society, this happened when he just turned 18. He has shown remorse. This was totally out of character."

Tarrier, of Macon Grove, Wolverhampton, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm.

Judge Joanne Barker told Tarrier: "The victim had been friendly to you, and when he left the pub he noticed you and two girls were following him. He repeatedly told you to leave him alone. You repeatedly hit him around the head. He ran away, and again you chased him and hit him. Again he got away only for you to follow him to bus station and again you hit him.

"You spat at him repeatedly, when you stopped your attack you left him with multiple injuries. The footage of this attack is shocking, you pursued him. Time and time again you attacked him, he was cowering before you, not even offering resistance. You should be thoroughly ashamed at yourself."

She added: "You were drunk on alcohol and high on cocaine, but you did attend the police station and admit what you did. This did happen two years ago. I do think there is scope for rehabilitation."

Tarrier was given a 12-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, told to pay his victim £400 and will have to complete 20 days rehabilitation days.