Express & Star

Knife-wielding yob who attacked schoolboy in case of mistaken identity avoids jail

A yob who threatened a schoolboy with a knife, battered him and mugged him in a case of mistaken identity has avoided jail.

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Micah McDonald spotted the boy in Bilston walking home from school on November 6 last year, and despite friends telling him it was not the boy he blamed for talking about him, still attacked the innocent boy.

McDonald. 19, of Oxley Avenue, Wolverhampton, punched the boy, took a knife out and threatened him with it and then demanded his ear buds.

Prosecuting, Robert Price said: "Mr McDonald approached the 17-year-old victim and began shouting at him, demanding he apologise - for what, the victim had no idea for. Another male in the group told him it was the wrong person.

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