Express & Star

Spitting mother who assaulted two PCs, racially abused a WPC and covered other cops in phlegm avoids jail

A spitting woman who attacked three police officers whilst viciously racially abusing them has avoided jail despite previously doing it before.


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Kay Ali, from Wolverhampton, was at her friend's house on Pope Road, Bushbury, on October 5, last year, when police were called to an incident at the property

However, officers spotted the 40-year-old mother was then seen vaulting garden fences and hedges and entering another property on the same road.

When officers knocked that door, she immediately flew into a rage shouting "f**k off, you haven't got a warrant' before attacking a male officer, scratching and grabbing him.

More officers joined their colleagues trying to subdue Ali ,who by this time was screaming, shouting and spitting in every direction, and pepper spray deployed to overcome her, on the way to the police station she began headbutting the walls and roof..

When she arrived at the station she immediately kicked a female PC and again spat at anyone in range. She then unleashed a volley of racial abuse at the officer calling her "dirty mixed race mongrel" and when told stop she said "your not black, your not white, your just lost".

Even after being wrestled to the floor and fitted with an anti-spitting hood she continued to racially abuse the PC asking "I bet you parents have not even got a visa in the country". Later when she was being interviewed after being shown the body camera footage of the officers she admitted "things had got out of hand".

Prosecuting Sabia Pathan said: "This was clearly a sustained racial attack. The footage can show the defendant clearly targeted one officer among the group, isolating her and continued to racially abuse the officer.

"In a victim impact statement the officer, who is a light skinned Caribbean lady, said: "I was targeted due to the colour of my skin. I do not come to work to get racially abused, being intoxicated is not an excuse."

She added: "The defendant has nine previous convictions including assaulting a police officer in 2008 as well as public order offences. She has been given community order which she has continually breached."

Ali, of Barnard Road, pleaded guilty at Wolverhampton Magistrates Court to common assault of an emergency worker, assault by beating of an emergency worker and racially aggravated intentional harassment, West Midlands Police did not provide the court with evidence for a count of criminal damage concerning Ali headbutting the police van.

In mitigation Ali's lawyer Nicky Mondair said her client had mental health issues and realised "she should not have been drinking whilst on her medication" and has not been in any trouble since that night in October. Ms Mundair also pointed out the High Court direction to judges concerning the over population of the prison system.

She said: "I have spoken to her outside court today and she recognises she was in the wrong and is prepared to accept any punishment given her."

Judge Michael Chambers KC sentenced Ali to six months for both assault charges and nine months for racially harassing the officer, however, he suspended the sentence meaning Ali could walk out of court a free woman.

He said: "These sentences are all for concerning your attacks on police officers, two assaults and the most serious, racially aggravating another police officer. Police officers have a difficult job to do and do not deserve to be treated this way. They attended an incident at Pope Road, for an incident which no charges have been subsequently been made. But you you were very there and intoxicated.

"Your behaviour was truly disgraceful on that night. This is aggravated because you have previous convictions for assaulting a policeman. This clearly passes the custody threshold but I have been persuaded by your counsel to suspend this sentence because there is prospect of rehabilitation as you have not been in trouble since your arrest. You also has a personality disorder."

The three sentences will run concurrently and will be suspended for two years, Ali will also have to attend over 25 rehabilitation days.

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