Express & Star

Bid to name boys, 12, who killed Shawn Seesahai to start: What can be said, current rules and what could happen

A two-day court hearing to name the boys who killed a 19-year-old in a park begins on Monday.

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Defenceless Shawn Seesahai, described as a “loving and protective” young man, died at the hands of two 12-year-olds on playing fields at Stowlawn, in Bilston, on November 13 last year.

During the attack, Shawn's legs was slashed while a stab wound went through his back and ribs into his heart. He was struck so hard with a machete that a piece of bone came away from his skull.

After a month-long trial at Nottingham Crown Court, the two boys - who blamed each other for inflicting the fatal blow to his back - were found guilty of murder thanks to a unanimous verdict from the jury.

One of the defendants was also found guilty of possessing a machete. The other defendant had pleaded guilty to that offence ahead of the trial.

Jurors heard how Shawn was shoulder-barged by the smaller of the two defendants, who “often” carried a machete with a 42.5cm-long blade, before being punched, kicked, stamped on and “chopped” at with the weapon. The victim’s friend told the trial he was forced to run for his life but Mr Seesahai stumbled as he tried to flee from the boys.

Emergency services arrived to find the victim in a critical condition, but nothing could be done to save him and he was pronounced dead at the scene off Laburnum Road near East Park.

Shawn Seesahai