Express & Star

Woman, man and boy found not guilty of murdering Wolverhampton father of seven Deavon Harrison

A woman, a man and a boy have been cleared of murdering a Wolverhampton father of seven - but a jury did find one of them guilty of his manslaughter.

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The jury at Wolverhampton Crown Court had been deliberating since Monday morning and today cleared Deavon Harrison's girlfriend Kerry Francis, 42; Jonathan Williams, 19; and a 16-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, of murder.

Despite Judge Barry Cotter warning the public gallery he "did not want to hear a reaction when the verdicts were given" there was uproar in court when the jury forewoman read out the verdicts.

Francis, of Foxglove Close, Wombourne, was cleared of murder, manslaughter and wounding with intent, and walked free from court today.

Williams, of no fixed address, was cleared of murder, found guilty of manslaughter, not guilty of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life but guilty of possessing a blade.

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