Express & Star

Closure order granted for shop causing 'significant distress for many in the community'

A shop 'at the centre of problems for the community' in Erdington has been closed down for a month after a court order was issued.


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West Midlands Police was granted the closure order for International Superstore in Erdington High Street following recent disorder.

The force said it was aware of protests that have taken place and officers had listened to the community concerns.

A one-month closure order was granted at Birmingham Magistrates Court yesterday.

International Superstore in Erdington High Street

Sergeant Fran Clark, from the neighbourhood team, said: “This property has been a source of significant distress for many in the Erdington community.

“We received numerous complaints regarding an attack that took place in May.

"Our investigation into the violent disorder and racially aggravated assault is progressing well, and six people who have been arrested remain on bail while we continue to gather evidence.

“We are pleased to report that a one-month closure order has successfully been obtained through the courts, and we hope that this will significantly improve the tensions and reassure the community who have been negatively impacted by the disorder originating from this property."

Anti-social behaviour can be reported to police by calling 101 or ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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