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Watch: False number plate maker who helped thousands of criminals jailed after attempting dramatic escape during police raid

An 'underworld' false number plate maker who made thousands of false plates for criminals has been jailed for more than three years.


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Daniel Day, 32, of Coronation Road, Tipton, ran an illegal false number plate manufacturing operation from his bedroom, providing thousands of plates to criminals to commit crimes ranging from burglary to attempted murder.

His crucial role in the criminal underworld came to light during a West Midlands Police investigation, where another gang who were being watched by investigators purchased 94 sets of cloned plates from him in one year.

Daniel Day, 32, was jailed for morethan three years

The cloned plates used by the gang were traced back to Day, with police establishing how his 'customers' would steal cars, then get him to make number plates that matched the make and model while also disguising the car's identity.

The plates were even found to include the logo of genuine dealerships.

Now, a video, released by the West Midlands Police, has shown Day's dramatic arrest as he attempted to flee from pursuing officers and a K9 unit, before being captured.

A number plate maker found at Day's house

West Midlands Police detectives discovered that one set of plates was requested, produced and then attached to a clone car – all within the space of 18 minutes.

Day's number plates were found to be used in more than 140 crimes including an armed robbery at a post office in Dudley, a shooting in Wolverhampton and multiple car key burglaries and bilkings.

DC Kelly Whyte, of the West Midlands Police major crime proactive team, said: "This was organised crime on an industrial scale. Day had built a reputation as someone who could supply criminals with number plates to disguise their identities and frustrate police, and he could do it incredibly quickly.

"It was run like a commercial enterprise. We estimate that he made more than £200,000 from this enterprise and in one week alone he received 67 requests."

Day was arrested when police swooped on his house in May last year. He fled through the back garden, before falling into the hands of officers.

Blank number plates found at his house

DC Whyte added: "He has helped criminals involved in a whole host of crimes, driving away from petrol stations without paying for fuel up to attempted murder.

"He was so trusted and reliable, that we would often find his details in the phones of criminals he had had helped when we prosecuted them for other crimes."

An examination of Day's phone showed that 420 sets of number plates were requested during an eight-week period. It's believed 7,000 were provided by him over the period.

DC Whyte said: "Every one of the crimes he helped make happen will have had a victim, and it’s impossible to gauge the full extent of the impact his business had on them.

"His conviction shows our determination to take on organised criminals and put them behind bars to protect the public."

Day was jailed at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Monday, for three years and four months.

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