Express & Star

Father and son's plot to murder clothes shop owner in revenge only failed when gun jammed

A father and son who plotted to kill the owner of a clothes shop in revenge for a row at his store might have succeeded if a gun the victim was threatened with hadn't jammed.


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Mohammed Aslam, aged 56, and Mohammed Nazir, aged 30, planned to kill their target following a dispute at the man's clothes store in Birmingham in 2018, which left them both injured.

Bent on revenge, the pair, both of Elms Avenue in Derby, became part of a plan to kill the owner of the shop or one of his family members.

On September 7, 2019, the victim had driven home to South Yardley, Birmingham, but as he got out of his car, he was threatened with a gun. The weapon however jammed, allowing the man to escape.

Mohammed Nazir

Threatening messages were then sent to him and an attempt was made to lure the victim to meet with the group.

When the victim did not attend the meet-up, his house was shot at three times.

Detectives pieced together Aslam and Nazir's involvement in the killing plot through their phones, CCTV and financial investigations.

Both men were then subject to an investigation by Derbyshire Police for firearms importation.

West Midlands Police came together with the Derbyshire force to link together the different strands of the investigation.

Mohammed Aslam

The men then went on trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Last Wednesday, June 5, Nazir was found guilty of conspiracy to murder and possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

He was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice and illegally importing firearms, over a plot to bring guns into the country and then blame it on another person to frame them.

Aslam was cleared of a firearms offence, but on Monday, June 10, was found guilty of conspiracy to murder. The pair will be sentenced on August 9.

West Midlands Police Detective Inspector Matt Marston said: "This was a complex and protracted investigation. Aslam and Nazir were determined to take revenge following a fallout where they were injured.

"The lengths they went to in trying to make sure they weren't implicated in pulling the trigger are immense.

"However, thanks to some great police work and support from our Derbyshire colleagues we were able to place them firmly in the middle of the attempted murder plot.

"We hope that today, after a number of years unravelling this investigation, justice has been served.”

Derbyshire Police added: “That nobody died as a result of Aslam and Nazir’s actions is through nothing other than sheer good fortune.

“Their plan was to kill and had it not been for the gun jamming, then there is a good chance this would have been a murder investigation.

“The importation of firearms is an extremely serious offence, and in this case the purpose was to frame their target in revenge for a previous incident.

“As a police service, we will do everything we can to target those who aim to bring these weapons into our communities and bring them to justice.”