Express & Star

Son 'feared for his life' as dad who forgot medication smashed up home in 'violent' attack

A 'meek and mild' 65-year-old father went berserk with a hammer smashing up his son's home, an ambulance and attacked two paramedics after not taking his mental health medication.

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Wolverhampton Crown Court

Robert Hill, from Walsall, had never been arrested before his rampage at his son's Rushall home on February 23 last year.

He was sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court for six counts of assault, criminal damage and attacking emergency worker after being deemed mentally fit.

CCTV footage was shown to the court of Hill smashing the windows, door and screaming at those inside the Blenheim Close home. He had been sitting outside the home overnight and had been spoken to by police officers who requested an ambulance to be sent.

When the paramedics arrived in the morning, Hill filmed them, and then used a tyre lock to smash the windows and doors.

Prosecuting Jamie Scott said: "The defendant's son tried to stop him entering the house and was hit on the arm and hand with the metal rod. The paramedics barricaded themselves in the kitchen, whilst Hill's son and wife hid upstairs.

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