Drink driver caught in Bridgnorth High Street while more than three-and-a-half times the limit
A drink driver was caught behind the wheel of a Jeep in a town centre while more than three-and-a-half times the limit.

Sergejus Mikutis, aged 53, was driving a Jeep Compass in High Street, Bridgnorth when he was caught last Sunday, April 21.
A test found he had 123 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit in England and Wales is 35mcg.
Mikutis, of Batemans Lane, Wythall, Birmingham, pleaded guilty at Kidderminster Magistrates Court to driving a motor vehicle while above the alcohol limit.
Magistrates handed him a 12-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. Mikutis was also banned from driving for three years, and ordered to pay £85 in prosecution costs and a £154 victim surcharge.