Express & Star

Man convicted of 'depraved' sex attacks, including abuse of vulnerable girl

A 38-year-old man has been convicted of a series of predatory sexual attacks against women and girls across the region.

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Dean Holness committed sex attacks, including multiple rapes, against two girls and two women.

Dean Holness from Grange Farm Drive in Kings Norton, Birmingham, committed sex attacks - including multiple rapes - against two girls and two women between Summer 2022 and Spring this year.

The 38-year-old deliberately targeted them and his depraved crimes included taking a vulnerable girl to a hotel to abuse her.

When arrested and interviewed he denied all offences and continued to show no remorse throughout his trial.

Holness was convicted at Birmingham Crown Court last Tuesday (October 17) and remanded ahead of sentencing on December 13.

Detective constables Hannah Osborne, Christopher-Jadhav-Hiep, and Charlotte Broughton, along with their colleagues from the Public Protection Unit, carried out extensive enquiries to ensure the convictions after the women and girls spoke out about the attacks.

DC Broughton said: "This was a joint investigation which involved specially trained officers across multiple teams.

"We would like to personally thank the survivors of Holness’ abuse for their incredible courage in coming forward and in giving their evidence before and during trial.

"Although we wish they had never had to live through their experiences, we hope that this conviction will assist with their closure and recovery.

"Not only have these survivors gained the justice they truly deserve but, also, due to their bravery, they have assisted in intervening in a pattern of sexual offending and protecting other women and children.

"If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, please report it to us. Our sole focus is achieving justice for you and ensuring that offenders like Holness do not continue to cause harm or escape the rightful consequences.

"You will be listened to, you will be believed, and you will be supported - from your initial contact all the way to court."

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